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View Full Version : Magical Mystery Tour

just strum
July 3rd, 2008, 08:22 PM
Over in the Fender Forum there is a thread titled "Pics of Your Strat" that has over 250K views and is 69 pages long to date.

A lot of nice Strats, one of the more recent post that I found interesting was:


Not the prettiest, but a thought for what I can do to the Strat 91 besides adding a cigarette burn.

Oh, and the owner is a member of http://www.justbeatles.com.br/multimidia/fotos.htm

July 5th, 2008, 12:47 PM
Pretty cool guitar. I love George`s Rocky! Amazes me how Fender never cloned it in a limited run.

By the way, the band in the link is Brazilian, but I don`t know them. I know these guys here: http://www.beatles4ever.com.br/home.htm
They`ve been playing their Beatles show in the same theatre in São Paulo - Brazil for 8 years straight. If you check the "instrumentos" list they indeed use all period correct instruments. Marcus Rampazzo's (George) Rocky is actually a real pre-CBS painted strat. I bet some people say he's crazy for doing that, but he probably bought most of the instruments way before this vintage sky-rocketing prices craze.

just strum
July 5th, 2008, 01:11 PM
So it seems the Beatles are alive and well and living in Brazil. Have you ever seen them perform?

July 5th, 2008, 01:13 PM
So it seems the Beatles are alive and well and living in Brazil.
i think they are touring with elvis! :rotflmao:
