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View Full Version : Favourite Beer?

May 12th, 2006, 04:33 PM
Yet another one of these thread, this time about beer!

I love beer. In fact, just put 12 fine bottles of Big Rock Traditional in the fridge. Big Rock Brewery make fantastic beer. Have you tried them? They have kinds, Traditional is my favourite. I think they make the beer in Calgary.

My preference is Ale, or darker stuff.

Guiness is a gift from above - love that stuff! Kilkenny is fantastic too.

Being Swedish, I have to say that the Swedish beer is quite pathetic in comparison to many of the Canadian beer. Norrlands Guld - no thanks!

There is good European beer to be had for sure. The Germans make great beer. Kronenbourgh is French,I think? Pretty good. Heineken is Dutch. Oh don't forget the Danes! Carlsberg is good beer. Tuborg too.

American beer? Hmm, there are good micro breweries in many cities, but the stuff I find in the liquor stores here is pretty bland stuff. Budweiser - not for me.

May 12th, 2006, 05:13 PM
I think Alberta produces some of the best beers. I'll bet many of the North Western USA micro breweries use grain from Alberta cause it's just so darn good.

Guiness - Ya! Just hook a drip tube up to my arm and give me a hunk of bread so I have something in my stomach and I'll be fine for a long time.

Black Butte Porter - A northwest micro. Yummy, dark but not as heavy as Guiness.

Heineken & St Pauli Girl - My two favorite widely available Euro beers. Holland and Germany respectively.

My favorite beer? Cold!;)

May 12th, 2006, 08:32 PM
Favorite beer? Easy - Grain Belt Premium, brewed in New Ulm, MN. Been my #1 call since 1986.


May 12th, 2006, 08:45 PM
Also, a brew not sold anywhere, from a friend of mine that makes some kick arse lager twice a year!

May 12th, 2006, 08:58 PM
Favorite beer? Easy - Grain Belt Premium, brewed in New Ulm, MN. Been my #1 call since 1986.


I though Grain Belt was like Hamms or Schmidt?

May 13th, 2006, 04:27 AM
Here's some of my faves -

Shiner Bock - a dark beer brewed about an hour away from my house. Good stuff.

Guinness - When you have to have a beer to chew on, this is the one to pick.

Pete's Wicked Ale - good beer. It's just that simple.

Sol - Yes, I know, it's a massed produced beer Corona wannabe. When my wife and I were in Mexico on our honeymoon, and the sun was beating down (in December, mind you), we saddled up to a bar and had a few. Cold, smooth and refreshing...

A friend of ours does some homebrew for a hobby. ALL of his beer is incredible.

May 13th, 2006, 06:19 AM
I though Grain Belt was like Hamms or Schmidt?
Not even close. I wouldn't pour those other two on my lawn. Grain Belt is a world apart flavor-wise; full-bodied, and much more drinkable, with almost a "sweetish" after-taste. It's one of the beer's very unique trademarks. Go git' yourself a sixer, and find out for yourself. ;)

May 13th, 2006, 09:20 AM
Pilsener Urquell has long been a favorite of mine--quintessential hoppy/aromatic pilsener style, arguably its progenitor. And when the weather gets warm, I really enjoy the Hefeweizen wheat beers. Widmer Bros. is my favorite US brand, but there are a boatload of excellent ones from Germany and surrounding European countries.

I had the pleasure of spending a few days on business in Antwerp last fall, and the Belgians have a ton of geat beers. Good thing I don't live there, 'cuz I'd be a lot bigger than I already am! :eek:

May 13th, 2006, 10:31 AM
Delerium Tremens!

It's a spectacular Belgian style beer & you gotta love the pink elephants on the label.

Here is a site about Delerium Tremens


Hephalumps & Woosels!
Animated Winnie the Pooh reference which does have pink elephants in it!

Delerium Noel is a winter style Belgian ale by the same maker that is also very good.

Hop Devil: A nice very hoppy American micro brew.

Red Tail Ale by the Medicino Brewing Co: (another American micro brew).

Boddingtons. This is a delicious milkshake in a bottle. It is a British beer and Americans can get it a liquor stores with the same widget in it that Guiness has.

Brooklyn Lager's Chocolate Stout: another microbrew from the US.

May 13th, 2006, 11:08 AM
I find Heineken & Carlsberg easy to drink ;)

May 14th, 2006, 10:19 AM
Well, I work construction in Missouri (that's Mu-zur-ah:rolleyes: ) so quite often it's...sorry Robert...Budweiser! But if I don't need a new toy (How ARE those new Epi Jr. 5w heads, by the way:) ) I can afford...ST.PAULI GIRL BEER! THE DARK! And I..."What, Honey?" :eek: Sorry, guys, gotta go!

May 14th, 2006, 02:29 PM
Delerium Tremens!
Gadzooks. I thought there'd be no way that anyone would even mention DTs.

My favorite is one that I've only recently been able to get in the States: Zum Uerige Altbier. Unfortunately, the quality once it makes it over here is hit and miss. When it's fresh, it's the best beer ever. I have five gallons of my attempt at a Zum Uerige clone in the fermenter right now.

Otherwise, the bigger and hoppier the beer, the more I like it.

May 14th, 2006, 03:56 PM
I like my beer cold and right out of the tap. I perfer the draft beer over the canned and bottled.

May 14th, 2006, 09:45 PM
Aye, Guinness far certain. Also love English ales such as Bass and Newcastle wot.

May 15th, 2006, 07:03 AM
Gadzooks. I thought there'd be no way that anyone would even mention DTs.

My favorite is one that I've only recently been able to get in the States: Zum Uerige Altbier. Unfortunately, the quality once it makes it over here is hit and miss. When it's fresh, it's the best beer ever. I have five gallons of my attempt at a Zum Uerige clone in the fermenter right now.

Otherwise, the bigger and hoppier the beer, the more I like it.
I'll have to look out for that one Marnold!

Another good one that is hard to get in the States (& is hit n' miss when you do) is Scaldis. The Scaldis Noel is quite yummy.


Ahhhhh, so we have a homebrewer aboard the Fretexpress?!?


How long have you been brewing & what are some of your sucesses & disasters?


Looking for the ZUA that Marnold mentioned I came across this list of must taste beers.


It has ZUA, but not DT. It does have Chimay and LaChouffe. For the US it has the Chocolate Stout and Hop Devil that I mentioned. It also lists several others that I should have mentioned. Like Storm King Imperiel Stout from Victory.

Many years ago I liked Tooth Sheaf Stout, but I haven't seen that in ages.

The G-string
May 15th, 2006, 09:52 AM
I'm not a huge beer person - - I prefer wines or harder stuff ;) Althouh I rarely drink anymore - - age has made it less fun to drink anymore.

However, I have some Newcastle Honey Brown I like and recently tried Michelob Ultra Amber and really liked it.

May 17th, 2006, 06:59 AM
Kronenberg is my favorite. It's an Alsace beer that is German in character, but without the bitter, skunkiness. It's technically French, but since it comes from the Alsace-Lorraine region that borders France and Germany, it has been both German and French depending on who won the last war. It's been around since 1664, so it's seen a lot of change... ;)

My second favorite is Bass Ale...love the rich bold taste of a good amber ale.

Third is Pilsner Urquell...a fine Pilsner.

I'd love to spend some time in Belgium just to try the beer there. I hear it's outstanding, and each region has it's own style (and the glass to go along with it). My wife wouldn't much care for it though, as she's not a beer drinker... :(
That's ok though, we both love wine and have taken many a trip to the wine country here and abroad.

May 17th, 2006, 08:51 PM
Had some LaChouffe Dobbelen IPA Tripel tonight. Great aroma & very tasty & you gotta love the cute little "nain" (dwarf) on the label.

May 17th, 2006, 09:36 PM
Oh yeah, another one of my favorite beers is,,, a cold one!
Best served at 38° F, especially Heinys and Fosters!!:D


May 17th, 2006, 10:19 PM
Had some LaChouffe Dobbelen IPA Tripel tonight. Great aroma & very tasty & you gotta love the cute little "nain" (dwarf) on the label.

Man! Where do you live to find all these odd beers? You are coming up with more beers that I can shake a tongue at.
I'm lucky to find what I can in Idaho. It's usually pushed back behind the cold packs of Bud Lite and Hard Lemonade. You are pretty lucky dude.

May 18th, 2006, 04:01 AM
Hehe.. spuds, time to move closer to civilization? ;)

May 18th, 2006, 06:20 AM
Man! Where do you live to find all these odd beers? You are coming up with more beers that I can shake a tongue at.
I'm lucky to find what I can in Idaho. It's usually pushed back behind the cold packs of Bud Lite and Hard Lemonade. You are pretty lucky dude.
Just down at the local liquor store; 3 minute drive. As SS says civilization has its perks (and suds).

I haven't had a Bud in decades.

May 18th, 2006, 08:02 AM
I use Bud to clean my windows and that's about it.
My favorite beer? Still gotta go with a free one or one with my fellow Fretters. Cheers!

May 18th, 2006, 08:15 AM
I'd love to spend some time in Belgium just to try the beer there. I hear it's outstanding, and each region has it's own style (and the glass to go along with it).....

Blooz - I have a colleage from Brussels and last time we drank in Dallas he introduced me to many glasses of Leffe. Not bad beer. :)

May 18th, 2006, 11:37 AM
Oh yes Leffe is a nice one.. I drank a generous amount at a McDonalds (!) in Brussels many years ago. It was a little strange to have the beer in those McDonalds paper cups with lid :D

June 5th, 2006, 02:30 PM
Maudite (http://www.unibroue.com/products/maudite.cfm)

Anything cold :)

I like beer
It makes me a jolly good fellow
I like beer
It helps me unwind
And sometimes it makes me feel...

June 5th, 2006, 09:13 PM
(chorus all together) Makes him feel mellow.

Whisky's too rough, champagne costs too much
vodka puts my mouth in gear
this little refrain might help me explain
as a matter of fact I like beer

Guiness beer, black gold, Irish tea.

Ya me too.
Did I get the lyrics right?

June 29th, 2006, 12:55 PM
All depends on my mood...

Sometimes I want a pilsner, sometimes a stout, sometimes an Ale. But wheat I usually ask for is (in no particular order):

Bass Ale
Black & Tan (1/2 Guinness, 1/2 Bass)
Molson Export (not readily avaiable in the States but a local distribuitor special orders it for me)
Molson Ice
Samuel Adams (Regular, Summer ale, and Ocktoberfest when in season)
Pete's Wicked Ale (and various seasonal brews)
Local Microbrews in BostonThat's all I can think of for now. There's a killer brew at Boston Beer Works across from Fenway Park (Pahhhhhhhk) that has blueberries in it. I know it sounds nasty but it's really yummy!

June 29th, 2006, 01:11 PM
Blueberries?? Please explain what it tastes like!
I have tried beer with chocolate, but Im a fruit beer virgin (yet) :D

June 29th, 2006, 01:17 PM
Tremo with the South Bawstin accent!

June 29th, 2006, 01:27 PM
I've lived in Bahstan all my life. I often have to paaahrk the caaaahr in Havaaahd Yaaahd which can be a pain in the reaaah. Weah wicked proud of our pissa scheety!

June 29th, 2006, 01:37 PM
I've lived in Bahstan all my life. I often have to paaahrk the caaaahr in Havaaahd Yaaahd which can be a pain in the reaaah. Weah wicked proud of our pissa scheety!

LMAO. I wish I woulda known you 2 years ago when I attended a conference there in Bahstan. Went to a couple 'o fine Irish pubs there that I can't remember for the life of me. *hiccup*

June 29th, 2006, 01:42 PM
Were those located at the end of a rainbow? I hear its great there, and they serve icecold Spudweiser

July 19th, 2006, 06:29 AM
Bass Pale Ale here. :D

August 14th, 2006, 04:11 AM
I'm german and you can buy beer here if you are 16 :)
My favorite beer is Mönchshof Kellerbier, Augustiner dunkel and Falter Arber Premium. Falter is our local beer, I think it is the best. I don't know american beer but we live next to the czech, which make good beer also, it's called budweiser too, but it's different than the american one.

September 23rd, 2006, 11:02 AM
I'm german and you can buy beer here if you are 16 :)
My favorite beer is Mönchshof Kellerbier, Augustiner dunkel and Falter Arber Premium. Falter is our local beer, I think it is the best. I don't know american beer but we live next to the czech, which make good beer also, it's called budweiser too, but it's different than the american one.
Hey, tiefnig. I haven't tried those beers. But I do like

Weinhenstephaner or Franzikaner Heffe-Weissbier.

I had a German friend who once taught me a German "poem"

Ich bin der Fisch Fasch und zeigen euch meinen weissen asch

Is this anything or was he just pulling my leg?

October 2nd, 2006, 01:52 PM
My buddy makes a pretty tasty beer and when available I try and stock up..but that usually means hanging out and helping him all day. He does it the old fashion way right out of a big pot on a open fire..I'm surprise he hasn't burnt his house down yet. But after that I like this Canadian beer Moosehead it ain't bad and out on the town whatever somebody else buys me..hehe

October 2nd, 2006, 03:34 PM
I had a couple of glasses of Sam Adams Oktoberfest on draught at a local restaurant last night, and it was mighty good! I wouldn't declare it my favorite (I have lots of those) but was duly impressed....

October 2nd, 2006, 03:35 PM
I had a couple of glasses of Sam Adams Oktoberfest on draught at a local restaurant last night, and it was mighty good! I wouldn't declare it my favorite (I have lots of those) but was duly impressed....

Agreed. So much good beer, so little time...........:D

July 15th, 2007, 08:42 AM
This one is awesome! Very complex and many layers of flavors. http://www.stonebrew.com/ruin/

After you have one of those, here is a new one to try. It tastes like a very good high octane homebrewed ale: http://www.arrogantbastard.com/index2.html

The tongue in cheek marketing is classic!

For example:

To view the Arrogant Bastard Ale site,
you must first agree to the following:

* I am of worthy stance in the jurisdiction from which I am accessing this page to access pages containing material of Full Frontal Arrogance.

* In consideration for the permission to view the Arrogant Bastard Ale pages, I indemnify the publisher, the service provider and the Stone Brewing Co. from any insults, insecurities, and ego damages incurred by the viewing or retrieving of such materials by me.

* I acknowledge that the material contained herein may be contrary to the multi-million dollar ad campaigns conducted by large brewing companies I may or may not have been fool enough to believe in the past.

* I am not a fizzy yellow beer drinking ninny here under false pretenses.

* I am at least 21 years of age.

I have read the above statements and I certify that I:

Accept | Do Not Accept

July 15th, 2007, 06:58 PM
I used to brew right from the malted barley and whole hops - all the boiling would soak the kitchen walls.... Didn't make my wife happy when we lived in a place with a really small kitchen, so I put it away. Now, I'm too busy with teaching to brew in the cool months which is when you mostly need to do it. I love it though, and with practice you can make a first-class beer pretty easily (unlike with wine).

There are so many great microbrews available now! When I think back to when I was young - wall-to-wall Budweiser style. THere are many great breweries out east here - Sam ADams, Buzzards Bay, Harpoon, Ipswich, Long Trail, Otter Creek - but I imagine that not many get out of the area. We also get many of the great West-Coast micros. I love the many English ale varieties, but prefer the hoppy stuff - IPA and Best Bitter styles, rather than the sweeter Scottish and brown ales. I also love a good Pilsner, like duhvoodooman.


July 15th, 2007, 07:46 PM
I went to Philly Historic area, to that oldest tavern in america thing..
they had a tasters selection from our founding fathers....
I couldn't handle it... sorry.. must be a bad beer drinker..
although I have practiced for years!!
I like Miller Lite.. but been converted to Michelob Lite these last few years..

it's enough for me... although it runs out quickly when its around.. ummm both ways..

July 15th, 2007, 07:53 PM
My favorite beer is Stella Artois.


July 15th, 2007, 09:45 PM
although i am really an occasional single malt scotch fan...a nice cold (sorry not room temp for me) guiness stout is mighty good.....


July 15th, 2007, 10:09 PM
TJC - I used to brew regularly, but from dry malt and whole hops and specialty grains. No mash tun for me. If you like hops try thast Ruination IPA I mention. Some hoppy beers are like some mexican food where it is all fire and no nuance. This has plenty of hop, but it has at least seven layers of flavors it seemed to me. Excellent!

StingX, good choice for lighter style. Warren, I like a lot of other stouts and you should try others, but nothing wrong with the old Irish mothers' milk. Justa, dude I just can't help ya there. :p

I used to brew right from the malted barley and whole hops - all the boiling would soak the kitchen walls.... Didn't make my wife happy when we lived in a place with a really small kitchen, so I put it away. Now, I'm too busy with teaching to brew in the cool months which is when you mostly need to do it. I love it though, and with practice you can make a first-class beer pretty easily (unlike with wine).

There are so many great microbrews available now! When I think back to when I was young - wall-to-wall Budweiser style. THere are many great breweries out east here - Sam ADams, Buzzards Bay, Harpoon, Ipswich, Long Trail, Otter Creek - but I imagine that not many get out of the area. We also get many of the great West-Coast micros. I love the many English ale varieties, but prefer the hoppy stuff - IPA and Best Bitter styles, rather than the sweeter Scottish and brown ales. I also love a good Pilsner, like duhvoodooman.


July 16th, 2007, 06:30 AM
When I can get it on tap, Guinness.

In the summertime though I often find lighter beers more thirst-quenching, so when its hot I usually go with Modelo Especial. (among the lighter beers, I usually go for Mexican or Jamaican brews).

When I'm not driving though I'll oftern opt for Jack Daniels and lemonade instead. I wonder why they don't use real lemonade in a "Lynchburg Lemonade"? (...whiskey tastes much better when mixed with real lemonade than with sweet and sour mix, triple sec and Sprite.)

And coca-cola always tastes better with Jack Daniels in it too!

July 16th, 2007, 07:45 AM
When I can get it on tap, Guinness.

And coca-cola always tastes better with Jack Daniels in it too!

Right with you on the Guinness bro, and I'm happy to hear that someone else has figured out how to take the edge of of Coca Cola. Nasty stuff. lol

July 16th, 2007, 08:29 AM
Yet another one of these thread, this time about beer!

I love beer. In fact, just put 12 fine bottles of Big Rock Traditional in the fridge. Big Rock Brewery make fantastic beer. Have you tried them? They have kinds, Traditional is my favourite. I think they make the beer in Calgary.

My preference is Ale, or darker stuff.

Guiness is a gift from above - love that stuff! Kilkenny is fantastic too.

Being Swedish, I have to say that the Swedish beer is quite pathetic in comparison to many of the Canadian beer. Norrlands Guld - no thanks!

There is good European beer to be had for sure. The Germans make great beer. Kronenbourgh is French,I think? Pretty good. Heineken is Dutch. Oh don't forget the Danes! Carlsberg is good beer. Tuborg too.

American beer? Hmm, there are good micro breweries in many cities, but the stuff I find in the liquor stores here is pretty bland stuff. Budweiser - not for me.

well, I'm underage, and have never really drunk anything, but my father's side of the family is big into beer, and they have brewed some stuff as well, so I do know a thing or two, I think mostly the Canadian beer is better than the US stuff because in the US thay wimp out on hops and gives it that bland taste, plus, the US brands water down their own beer to make the "light" stuff,
which may contribute to the blandness, a couple other good Canadian beers may include Western, and steamwhistle, there is another brew I've heard of which has coffee in it,which I forget the name of, but if you hear of it, try it, I heard it was pretty good.

as for other good beers, I do know that poland has also made some renowned beers, and in france I've heard that they sell beer in Mcdonalds! anywhays, yeah, thats all I can say about beer without actually trying anything.

July 16th, 2007, 12:00 PM
+1 on Ruination; I love that stuff. Stone's regular IPA is very nice too. It's aggressively dry-hopped; you can smell the flowers.

Laguinitas IPA is a new fave of mine as well.