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View Full Version : Vacations Rock

July 12th, 2008, 12:15 PM
Well all last week i was in Louisville Kentucky to visit the cousins. My one cousin also plays guitar which we did together and stayed up late nights playing and eating white castle. Then we went to the mall and i was pleasantly suprised to see a music shop we both went there and he picked up a digitech death metal and i got strings .

The next day my mom got a check from my brothers real dad and thus me and my brothers got 75 more dollars. Later that day we went to the same mall and i asked to try out the Boss DS-2 and The Digitech Metal core. I thought they both sounded good but i liked the versatility of the ds-2. Half way through checking out two kids dropped a custom shop tele onto a custom relic-ed tele. I was kinda scared for the kids because if they broke them they are both really expensive guitars Lucky there was little to no dmage and the kids were ezcorted out of the store. We finished our checking out and went home and played the rest of the week.

I absolutely love the DS-2 it can go from overdrive to metal with the turn of two knobs. Its really a great pedal.