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May 13th, 2006, 04:10 PM
Well I think I might have gotten a bad one but my Vox AD50Valvetronic just was never pleasant sounding to me. I mean it was decent but it just didnt have the sound that pleased me. Granted I could get lots of different sounds which it did well but there was always the kind of decaying especially in the mids and highs. Maybe Im a dinosaur but its seemed "digital sounding" to me especially at low-med level with it set for a clean sound. So long story short I went with what I had originally had as my first choice a Tweed Blues Deluxe reissue, but thought Id try the new fangled stuff first and save a few $$$. Sheezus H Chrysler!!!!! what a nice amph!! I A/B tested them together and it was like night and day difference. My EC Strat sounds freakin fantastic!! BTW I darn near got the hand built 57 Tweed but felt 2000.00 was just too extravagant. I am now officially in Gitfiddle heaven. I can be loud but its just so darned clean no matter what level I play at. This one is the keeper for sure, barring blue smoke coming out the back!!

May 13th, 2006, 04:14 PM
Tweed Blues Deluxe reissue eh? I read about that one in my Fender brochure last night. I've never played one, but they look fantastic! Congrats, I am envious. Post some clips will ya.

May 13th, 2006, 04:36 PM
Congrats on the amp, Mark :R

May 13th, 2006, 05:50 PM
Be careful Mark. Just when everything is going great, you have all your toys, you're playing licks like never before....along comes....a baby, a remodeling project, yard work, car maintenance, etc. All I'm saying is be careful. Play in secret if you have to to keep playing. Don't let anything come between you and your gear. When you figure out how to do this please tell the rest of us will ya?

Congrats on the new amp.

May 13th, 2006, 07:39 PM
LMAO!!! Yea that can always happen BUT the kids IN college, I survived a cancer scare this past fall, my Plumbing has been revamped so as to keep Mr. happy from causing accidents err a kidletts, all remodeling has been completed. So I plan to remain comfortably content for the forseeable future.
Oh Ill keep the gear near and dear having gotten back into this the gear I had years ago in now very expensive it really makes ya wanna kick yer self. I could have put it away in a closet but Noooooo. Oh the road ahead looks real good!!!! Knock on maple and alder LOL.

May 13th, 2006, 07:49 PM
Dude, with all you've been through, go 'head on and feed that GAS all ya want! Congrats on the amph, man, and post a clip!:DR :R :D