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View Full Version : Randall Commander I (RG 120-115)

July 24th, 2008, 10:18 AM
Greetings All,

I came across this forum searching for info on an old Randall Commander I amp I have.

I bought the amp about 25 years ago or so and it's pretty much sat covered up in my folk's storage room ever since. I fired it up the other day with an old Peavey T-60 guitar that's been keeping it company all these years and the amp still works, it looks and sounds really good. . .and LOUD. I can't even get the volume knob past 1 without all the neighbors' dogs going apesh*t.

I'm seriously considering selling the amp because I doubt that I'll ever use it anymore. The amp is in "like new" condition, so I figure someone else can still get some good play out of it. The problem is I don't know what a good asking price is.

I can't find hardly any info about it online (i.e. history, quality, resale value, etc.), not even in the Guitar/Amp Blue Book. The local guitar shops haven't been much help either. One shop wants to give me 75 bucks for it, but I feel that's too little. I saw an identical model for sale online for $349, but that sounds a little steep -- but again, I don't know.

Can anyone here offer some advice in this regard? Thanks in advance for any assistance.

(My apologies for such a lengthy initial post.)


July 24th, 2008, 12:11 PM
It's a solid-state, 120-watt RMS, 2-channel amplifier with a 15" speaker. Has 4 input jacks, reverb and tremolo. Sounds like a cool vintage amp!

Photo from a Craigslist ad.
http://images.craigslist.org/0101000115020102122008072140af51242dc40d47ea00a6e7 .jpg

Looks like in really good condition, $300 would be a fair price.

August 9th, 2008, 03:36 PM
Hey WackyT,

Just wanted to say "thanks" for your input. We've been traveling and I apologize for the delay in posting this. I still can't find much more info on this particular amp, but at this point it's a moot issue -- the amp's back in storage several hundred miles away. I look forward to cranking it back up on next year's roadtrip. My folk's neighbors probably won't feel the same way, but hey, that's life in the city.

Thanks again for your reply.
