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View Full Version : The Flower Garden

May 16th, 2006, 03:30 PM
This thread is called the Flower Garden. It's where all the good little flowers go so they don't mess up the vegetable bed.
You can't be off topic here because *THAT* is precisely the topic. Which is why the name of this thread is

The Kitchen Sink

(the proverbial kind)

It is the flaw that the Hopi's designed in the rug so the spirit can get in which is why it is full of pignoses & bass and where a flapjack is always cooking on the griddle and a shrimp is perenially trying to escape from the soup.

Where each post is titled

The Fool

of the Tarot deck who walks blithely off the cliff while shredding on a speed metal version of "Don't Fence Me In" on a Ukelele

Oh, give me thread, lots of thread under starry skies above,
Don't fence me in.
Let me smile through the wide open country that I love,
Don't fence me in.
Let me be by myself in the evenin' breeze,
And listen to the murmur of my grate of cheese,
Send me off forever but I ask you please,
Don't fence me in.

I want to ride to the ridge where the fret commences
And gaze at the moon till I lose my senses
And I can't look at hovels and I can't stand fences
Don't fence me in.

Which is why it answers to the name of


and gets hailed as To Be Continued and writes its name as


May 16th, 2006, 03:51 PM
........................huh? LMAO **Attempts to decipher the hidden code within your post....**

May 16th, 2006, 04:57 PM
You'll have to wait for the movie.

I hear that Tom Hanks is gonna play Super Swede in it.

Hey Tone! Just *what* is that fierce lookin' new little avatar dude of yours?

You know the one just up there and to the left?

May 16th, 2006, 05:01 PM
Hey Tone! Just *what* is that fierce lookin' new little avatar dude of yours?

You know the one just up there and to the left?
Looks like a penguin from hell,,LOL

BTW, stay on topic ;)

May 16th, 2006, 05:11 PM
Looks like a penguin from hell,,LOL

BTW, stay on topic ;)
It looks like it's angry and fierce, but I think it's mouth just got stuck that way. It's wandering the countryside trying to find help, but nobody can understand what it is saying & they jes run like helll


Poor little bugger.

Anybody got any penguin-ease we could spray on its jaw?

BTW. I'd watch where you're standing `cause the topic is Goth Elphs.

Didn't you see the blazing neon kitchen sink warning sign?

May 17th, 2006, 01:08 AM
I hear that Tom Hanks is gonna play Super Swede in it.

Tom Hanks? ;)
I would have prefered Ronald Reagan if it could be possible... Such a great actor...lol

May 17th, 2006, 06:39 AM
Tom Hanks? ;)
I would have prefered Ronald Reagan if it could be possible... Such a great actor...lol
Now that would be something.

Maybe Bonzo could pull your beer cart.

Beertime for Bonzo?

May 18th, 2006, 09:28 AM
You'll have to wait for the movie.

I hear that Tom Hanks is gonna play Super Swede in it.

Hey Tone! Just *what* is that fierce lookin' new little avatar dude of yours?

You know the one just up there and to the left?

That is a photograph of my alter ego.....

May 18th, 2006, 09:39 AM
It looks like it's angry and fierce, but I think it's mouth just got stuck that way. It's wandering the countryside trying to find help, but nobody can understand what it is saying & they jes run like helll


May 18th, 2006, 10:10 AM
The sailor sang
to the moonlit sky.
What do I see
in my solitary eye?

The sea he saw,
An endless sea
of carrots and grapefruits
and a plum tree.

He walked aboard his ship content,
but failed to realize in his temperment,
that where he stood was not a sea,
but simply a place for a plum tree.

And so he sailed
On the tree swaying below,
He made his sea,
But disrupted the flow.

But despite his ship,
The tree did grow,
Its just that he
made that growth a little slow.

And so the carrots look on,
As the grapefruits sigh,
Just hoping that one day
The sailor will use his good eye.

May 18th, 2006, 11:33 AM
Vitalmyles, was that your own poem?

May 18th, 2006, 01:14 PM
Indeed it is. I had 10 minutes to kill while uploading a file so I figured I'd add to the off-topic thread.

May 18th, 2006, 02:13 PM
I liked it, you should write more :)

May 18th, 2006, 02:16 PM
Oh this is about poetry? *sound of much noise whooshing over my head*. I should have my daughter write something then she's an excellent poet.

May 18th, 2006, 02:18 PM
Do that, I like poetry

May 18th, 2006, 02:31 PM
BTW, stay on topic ;)


but, btw, what's mome raths? And why are they outgribing?

May 19th, 2006, 06:46 PM

but, btw, what's mome raths? And why are they outgribing?
O-ho, so we finally come to the *REAL* topic!!

For your alter ego *IS* a mome rath you see...& that dental thingy it's doing is outgribing.

Ingribing hurts much more & should only be attempted by experts!

BTW lovely poem vital...let's hear more! And by all means let's hear your kid's poem Tone?

Is that what they mean by a tome poem?