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View Full Version : Behringer Vintage TO vs. The Bad Monkey

July 25th, 2008, 12:41 PM
Has anyone out there ever compared these two pedals? I have the Vintage Tube Overdrive and I like it but it tends to not be consistant when the power fluctuates. Plus I'm looking for something with a little more meat but not so much that it muddys the sound. I'm looking for a good recommendation for tube overdrives. Thanks in advance:)

July 25th, 2008, 12:53 PM
I have the Behringer but not the Monkey. I've got mine hooked up to a 1-Spot so it's no problem with power. Plus changing the battery is a PITA. By "meat" do you mean more midrange or more distortion? I've been told that the Behringer compares very favorably to a TS808 (http://www.soundonsound.com/forum/showflat.php?session=86505d8e6c39805306cede26cd66c b6c&Cat=&Number=221049&Main=207733). If you want more distortion, you are probably heading into Distortion pedal territory. There are plenty of Monkey owners here to chime in.

My TO800 exists to push my Vox's UK 70s amp into oblivion and add SRV-esque midrange and overdrive to the Blackface model. I don't rely on it to provide all the overdrive. As a matter of fact, when I use it with the UK 70s amp I have the drive turned down all the way and the level dimed.

July 25th, 2008, 01:04 PM
i have tried both and I personally like the bad monkey. It got a nice bluesy tone. And its great when you add some meat to your high gain solos

July 25th, 2008, 01:15 PM
I'm looking for more mids rather than distortion. I've heard so many good things about the bad monkey that I think I'll have to take the plunge and get it. I have a tech 21 overdrive which maintains the integrity of my tone but sounds too choppy and broken up. Thanks for the advice!

July 26th, 2008, 03:49 AM
The Monkey will last a lot longer if you want to use it on stage. It's built like a tank.

July 26th, 2008, 08:40 AM
The Monkey will last a lot longer if you want to use it on stage. It's built like a tank.
Mark makes a good point. I love my TO800, but it does absolutely no traveling whatsoever. It's plastic. Of course, you could buy 10 of those before getting to the price of one TS808 so . . .

July 26th, 2008, 05:07 PM
The Monkey will last a lot longer if you want to use it on stage. It's built like a tank.

you make a good point I have brought my monkey all over the place and that thing has fallen or been dropped so many times and it still sounds th same.

EDIT: Doh! I see marnold already beat me to it:thwap:

July 26th, 2008, 05:16 PM
I have brought my monkey all over the place and that thing has fallen or been dropped so many times...
Heh-heh... mine's a little worse-for-wear too!

July 26th, 2008, 08:21 PM

you make a good point I have brought my monkey all over the place and that thing has fallen or been dropped so many times and it still sounds th same.
I'll take "Things That Should Not Be Taken Out of Context" for $500, Alex.