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View Full Version : Mini Humbucker / P90 / whatever

May 17th, 2006, 01:14 AM
I havent been able to find height/width/length specifications on Mini humbuckers and/or P90´s..
Anyone know where I can find info on this?

May 17th, 2006, 06:38 AM
Are you looking to replace the pups on your Godin SS? Or is this for sumpin else?

May 17th, 2006, 12:30 PM
Yeah I am thinking about replacing the stock pups with mini-buckers/P90.

May 17th, 2006, 04:36 PM
Here's some info:

This one is for an SP90-1(P90) Seymour Duncan
Specs (http://www.seymourduncan.com/images/dimensions/sp90.gif)

This one is for an SM-1 Vintage Mini-Humbucker
Specs (http://www.seymourduncan.com/products/dimensionpages/sm-1.shtml)

Granted it's for one specific brand, but I'm sure other manufactures aren't going to vary too much, atleast nothing to worry about.

Hope this helps

May 18th, 2006, 03:50 AM
Thanks Zoso...
None of them will fit perfectly, but I think that I can get in the SM-1 without any plastic surgery.

May 18th, 2006, 06:27 AM
Thanks Zoso...
None of them will fit perfectly, but I think that I can get in the SM-1 without any plastic surgery.

Do you have a plumber's license? You might need one to cut into that Mother of Toilet seat cover.

Hey, have you taken off the cover yet? When you do can you post some pics? I've always wondered what the chambers look like.

May 18th, 2006, 07:47 AM
Hmmm.. I saw a pic of that on the web somewhere.. I havent lifted the toilet seat myself yet...

May 19th, 2006, 10:39 PM
Thanks Zoso...
None of them will fit perfectly, but I think that I can get in the SM-1 without any plastic surgery.
When you say "not perfectly" what do you mean?
Current hole (in your body) is too small or to large?

If it's too small, you could always route it out larger, but, as long as it's not too big to still accept the stock pup, if it's feasable.
If it's too large, there might be a possible way to use shims,,but this can get just a little complicated but on the light side, as long as thefinish of the body can be covered by pup covers.

What's the dimensions of the current hole in your body?
And what kind of pup is currently installed?

May 20th, 2006, 02:06 PM
Zoso, the pickups is Godins own design (and size) but I heard that they are the same size as Rickenbacker toasters. The guitar has one huge cavity underneath the giant pickguard, so the only problem will be cutting the pickguard if I intend to install a bigger pickup.
I have mailed with Johan at Lundgren Guitar Pickups (he makes amazing pickups by the way) and he thinks that it would be possible to rewind the stock pup, and my only "problem" is to decide how I want it to sound :)

Check out his website, his pickups are used by the TOP swedish/scandinavian guitarist. Well worth a visit!


May 21st, 2006, 05:30 PM
Zoso, the pickups is Godins own design (and size) but I heard that they are the same size as Rickenbacker toasters. The guitar has one huge cavity underneath the giant pickguard, so the only problem will be cutting the pickguard if I intend to install a bigger pickup.
I have mailed with Johan at Lundgren Guitar Pickups (he makes amazing pickups by the way) and he thinks that it would be possible to rewind the stock pup, and my only "problem" is to decide how I want it to sound :)

Check out his website, his pickups are used by the TOP swedish/scandinavian guitarist. Well worth a visit!

You said that you wanted a fatter sound.

Tonally, what exactly is a fatter sound? More midrange?

You also mentioned P90's which are very midrangy as I understand it. From what I've read overwinding pups gives a more midrangy sound while underwound pups are on the trebly side. Is this correct?

What are your choices SS?

Keep us informed. I can't wait to hear how this turns out!