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View Full Version : Musical Birthdays - August 21

August 21st, 2008, 07:46 AM
Some important birthdays today (Aug 21)

1904 - William "Count" Basie. There is no way to overstate the impact this man had on American music.

1939 - James Burton. This guy is a guitar hero to so many guitar heroes. He was a huge influence on so many great guitar players that came after. In my opinion he's one of the best pure rock and roll guitar players and helped define what those words actually mean.

1952 - John Graham Mellor, aka Joe Strummer. Most people here know that I was a huge fan of The Clash. I love Strummer's solo work as well. I am thankful I got to see him play before he passed. One of the better concerts I have seen. He was and always will be a major influence on the way I play and listen to music.

August 21st, 2008, 11:31 AM
Count Basie was a hero. Man, he did some good things for jazz.

August 21st, 2008, 12:40 PM
He did indeed. I could go for months just listening to Basie and Ellington and I'd be content.

street music
August 21st, 2008, 02:42 PM
Looks like some of that should have fallen to me doesn't it, since today is my birthday too.

August 21st, 2008, 03:58 PM
Happy B-day Streetmusic! Also, thanks for calling attention to Basie and Strummer. I admire greatly both of them. I do not know Mr. Burton. I will have to check him out. EDIT: I am familiar with Mystery Train at least, I just did not know Mr. Burton's name. Happy B-day to him too!

August 21st, 2008, 04:06 PM
Well Feliz Cuplanos Street Have a great day Sumi:D

August 22nd, 2008, 06:46 AM
Happy belated Street.

R of G,
What a terrific and diverse group. Love the work of all of them. Burton may not be as well known, but man what a great picker. One of the all time best Telecacster guys.

Good post.