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View Full Version : Deal or No Deal?(Craigslist/MIJ content)

August 21st, 2008, 08:22 PM
I browse the Craigslist a couple times a day looking for a Blues Jr at a good price locally...Craigslist should really change its name to "Strats R Us" though, cause I find tasty Strats there daily, today I awake to find this:

Electric Fender Strat with pick guard design - $150 (http://spacecoast.craigslist.org/msg/805297992.html)

Fender Strat that was made in Japan has the picture of the 8 ball on the pick guard comes with case. Any question please call Gerald

http://images.craigslist.org/010112011614010301200808201b1cd99b7374c1b46600c8e0 .jpg
http://images.craigslist.org/0115100116000103122008082028a52bc2be073677370095a4 .jpg
http://images.craigslist.org/01010001020001030320080820833fdb38f1bd9aac40007f7b .jpg

I called the owner, he lives near by(duh) says hes had "several calls from people who wanna look at it after work". I ask "what times work over? ...Im there". I then ask, "whats the deal with the pickguard? Any other mods?" He says "no just the pickguard, but I have the OEM one still."

I get there, it needs new strings and badly! And the 8 ball pickguard fits poorly with a couple of screws missing because it doesnt line up just right.
I plug it into his Marshall "Tubestate" and it kinda sounds like hell because of the strings...its hard to tell.

Whudya do? Deal or no deal???

August 21st, 2008, 10:00 PM
Whudya do? Deal or no deal???

What? No takers???

Yeah, sorry bout that, I needed time to get my pics uploaded...of course I bought it! It was only $150!!!

I mean look at it, in all of its pool hall glory...bask in the magic 8 ball!

Shes got some battle damage, the urathane is thin compaired to a MIM, shes got some nice long cracks between the trem cav and the strap button, but Im really diggin the lightly reliced look. Also I noticed the trem block is much thicker than a MIM

Note, no truss rod adjustment on this end(how fun is that?)

Goteh tuners...ones missing a gear cover(replacement ideas, please?)
Love the way the neck meets the headstock

FREE!! To a good home, fits MIM

August 21st, 2008, 10:09 PM
Lil research tells me its a Standard
Fender Straocasters Made In Japan - Models (http://homepage.ntlworld.com/john.blackman4/models.htm)
Fender Straocasters Made In Japan - Standard (http://homepage.ntlworld.com/john.blackman4/standard.htm)

And the serial number E9 + 5 digits says its 1989
Dating Fenders(best source Ive seen yet) (http://www.21frets.com/dating_fenders.html)

And she aint no Squier:pancake:

August 21st, 2008, 10:40 PM
And she aint no Squier:pancake:

Interestingly enough, this looks like my guitar("E" series)...and IT says Squier:confused:
Fender Japan 57 Style Stratocaster (http://www.21frets.com/blackie.html)

Thats okay...yall sleep, I just keep posting and quoting to mahself:whatever:

August 21st, 2008, 11:06 PM
$150 for a made in Japan Strat is always a great deal. It would have been worth it at twice the price.

August 21st, 2008, 11:10 PM
Hell to the yeah!!!!:beer:

August 21st, 2008, 11:30 PM
Cool! I hear great things about the Japan strats. Congrats from another MIM fan!

August 22nd, 2008, 12:06 AM
I have this one probably made in Japan but with HSS pup config it rocks.
as well as the one used in my avatar 1966 MIA Coronado Wildwood as listed.
under the $150 price too for below. :D
to ease my own doubts just looked at her says Manufactured and backed by Fender.found in teeny tiny print it says a product of Indonesia but hey it still rocks.originally bought to mod until I plugged her up and heard it.That changed me mind so guess MIJ is out but it is still Asian

August 22nd, 2008, 01:58 AM
MIJ and CIJ are usually awesome instruments! (especially my strat ;) )

Congrats ShortBusX! :)

August 22nd, 2008, 06:22 AM
Cool! I hear great things about the Japan strats.
same here....me thinks you got a great deal.... :beer:

heck the custom pickguard is woth almost as much as you paid for the whole guitar! :poke:


August 22nd, 2008, 06:31 AM
Cool score! What does she sound like with new strings?

FREE!! To a good home, fits MIM
Someone should grab this, just to ask it questions.

August 22nd, 2008, 06:52 AM
Good score, Short! An MIJ Strat for $150 is grand larceny! :AOK: :dude: :AOK:

Further kudos on immediately removing that "what the h*ll was he thinkin'?" pickguard.... :eek: :puke:

BTW, a black MOTO p/g looks real good on a black Strat with a maple neck. Not that I'd be biased in any way....


August 22nd, 2008, 07:26 AM
BTW, a black MOTO p/g looks real good on a black Strat with a maple neck. Not that I'd be biased in any way....


Ah, yes Strat Vader.

...if I only had a vote.

August 22nd, 2008, 07:59 AM
Ah, yes Strat Vader.

...if I only had a vote.
Buy yourself one, and you'll have the only vote that counts! ;) :D

August 22nd, 2008, 08:21 AM
Thanks for all the comments/compliments everybody :D

Cool score! What does she sound like with new strings?

Well Im a lil disappointed with the setup and string/saddle radius...normally used gear is dialed in. But right away(unplugged) I can hear a difference between this and my MIMs, maybe its the single ply pickguard Im hearin...but everything is pretty much different in compairison from head to toe. Goteh tuners, c shaped neck, heel truss rod adjustment, beefier trem block, thinner urethane, basswood body.
Having said that Im not totally in love with the electronics, and Im debating with myself if I should replace the (almost 20 y.o.)import switch which is scratchy(may try and clean it first), and the jack is a lil iffy(ground noise, buzzy at times)...I just worry bout replacing this guitars mojo with newer Switchcraft parts, so Im gonna try and work with what I got first.


Sorry if the "Magic 8 Ball" pickguard made any of yall ill, induced vomiting, diarrhea, or nausea...maybe thats why nobody has asked to she what she looks now????:confused:

August 22nd, 2008, 08:32 AM
Sorry if the "Magic 8 Ball" pickguard made any of yall ill, induced vomiting, diarrhea, or nausea...maybe thats why nobody has asked to she what she looks now???? :confused:
We knew you'd show us without having to ask! ;) Now, I wish I could see it, but they block Photobucket here at work! :flamemad:

Yeah, try cleaning up the existing electronics before you go changing stuff. Might just need a little TLC....

August 22nd, 2008, 08:55 AM
Yeah, try cleaning up the existing electronics before you go changing stuff. Might just need a little TLC....

How the heck do I clean that switch though????

And where can I find that tuner gear cover????

We knew you'd show us without having to ask! Now, I wish I could see it, but they block Photobucket here at work!

Well if you cant see them at work...I'll just have to wait till later to post them then. Nobody else really seems interested anyways:rotflmao:

August 22nd, 2008, 09:46 AM
How the heck do I clean that switch though????

And where can I find that tuner gear cover????

For switch: http://www.stewmac.com/shopby/Brand/DeoxIT.html

Tuner gear cover? Don't know offhand. Maybe your favorite local guitar shop that does repair & maintenance work might have some?

August 22nd, 2008, 10:13 AM
For switch: http://www.stewmac.com/shopby/Brand/DeoxIT.html

Tuner gear cover? Don't know offhand. Maybe your favorite local guitar shop that does repair & maintenance work might have some?

Thanks for the suggestions. I dont really have any cool local music stores that have been in business long enough to have one of those "random small parts bins" that would be worthwhile to visit...I'll probably have better luck finding it online. Im gonna try a couple of other forums and see if theyve got any resources though.

BTW DVM is that black Strat pictured above your "'89 Fender Strat Plus"...how come no "MIJ" in your signature???

August 22nd, 2008, 10:30 AM
BTW DVM is that black Strat pictured above your "'89 Fender Strat Plus"...how come no "MIJ" in your signature???
Yes, that's my Strat Plus. And there's no "MIJ" 'cuz it was made right here in the good ol' US of A!

Here's some info on the Strat Plus series, if you're interested:


I bought mine used back in the '97/'98 time frame from a small music store down in the Lancaster PA area, where I was living then. Here's how it looked at the time:


August 22nd, 2008, 10:31 AM
Yes, that's my Strat Plus. And there's no "MIJ" 'cuz it was made right here in the good ol' US of A!

OH! My bad, I thought for certain that the locking nut was a good indicator it was MIJ:thwap:

August 22nd, 2008, 10:37 AM
Okay, heres the goods!

Before = Barffie
(I just had to post that hideous PG pic again) :poke:

After = Blackie :bravo:


August 22nd, 2008, 10:38 AM
Buy yourself one, and you'll have the only vote that counts! ;) :D
:poke: Ahhhhh, what's the fun in that?!? :poke:

August 22nd, 2008, 11:16 AM
man i liked it better with the 8 ball pickguard.... :rotflmao:

really though...looks good with the white one....for the little bit of money you spent on it you could definitely justify upgrading some of the electronics!


August 22nd, 2008, 11:25 AM
really though...looks good with the white one....for the little bit of money you spent on it you could definitely justify upgrading some of the electronics!

I dunno why, but for some reason I fear diminishing its value by doing so :thwap:
Im sure I'll get beyond that eventually...especially if my "fix" doesnt do the trick.

August 22nd, 2008, 11:58 AM
Cool score! What does she sound like with new strings?

Someone should grab this, just to ask it questions.

wouldn't it be a kick in the head if the dumb thing did like the round one did and answer? :poke:

August 22nd, 2008, 12:03 PM
wouldn't it be a kick in the head if the dumb thing did like the round one did and answer? :poke:

After hed originally posted that, I was thinking you could write "All signs point to NO" on the trem cover on the back :rotflmao:

August 22nd, 2008, 04:31 PM
After hed originally posted that, I was thinking you could write "All signs point to NO" on the trem cover on the back :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: Man O man that would be great! :rotflmao::rotflmao:

Here's a better idea.

Remove the middle pup & install the 8-ball gizmo in there. Cool beans!

Take it right down to the shop for a set-up & don't mention a thing about it. ;)

August 24th, 2008, 10:45 AM
Well I been busy gettin her all set up, got the string radius set, action low, intonation is just about spot on(need to check that again today). I cleaned my static-y switch(w/a product called "Corrosion Block") and then I addressed the shorting jack.

I took it to "jam night" over at my buddy's house, I let a couple buddies play it for a bit. One just kept playin an playing on it(usually a good indication he likes it), when he got done he commented on how low I got the action. I aksed him how he liked it, like where it ranked among my other guitars(hes played em all) and he said it was his fav so far.
The other guy liked it, but said the action was too low :thwap:

Hearing others play it, it cuts through nicely and is boarderline twangy like a Tele...Im diggin these pickups!

Back to that shorting jack, I had to open that up a couple of times yesterday, but I think I got it fixed now. But at first I noticed that the bendy part that comes in contact with the instrument cable wasnt bent enough and it was coming in contact with both the + and - sections of the cable...I just had to reshape the bendy part...and it was done.
The switch is totally silent now and I gotta say I like the very possitive feeling indents at each switch possition...Im kinda diggin this switch a lil more than a Switchcraft.
Having said all the above, Im gonna keep my eye out for another Japaneese switch and jack...just in case...and I still need to find a gear cover for that Goteh tuner.