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View Full Version : The Force Unleashed

August 27th, 2008, 09:29 PM
I've been playing a lot of the demo for The Force Unleashed on my PS3 lately. I'll be picking it up ASAP after its release on the 16th. You play Vader's secret apprentice who wipes out the remaining Jedi (and anyone else who crosses your path) with over-the-top force powers and a well-placed saber blade. My favorite part of the demo is when you enter a hangar and you can fling TIE Fighters and Bombers around at hapless troops. At the end of the demo you completely bisect an AT-ST with your lightsaber.

The best part about the game is the physics. Things react as you would expect. You can blow doors open with force push. Stormtroopers that you use force grip on will try to hold on to something for dear life. My only concern is that you don't get any look at the saber combat. I don't know if it's the spiritual successor to Jedi Academy that I was hoping for, but it is an awful lot of fun.

August 28th, 2008, 07:50 AM
The demo is already out? I havent checked xbox live for a while!

I love the Star Wars games such as Knights of the Old Republic, and this one seems just as good! :)

Thanks for the heads up Marnold

August 28th, 2008, 08:40 AM
I think it's going to be available for Wii. I can't wait to unleased the fuggin' force fury.

August 28th, 2008, 09:35 AM
Yeah, the demo came out (at least in the States) last Thursday. As I understand it, the Wii version won't have some of the physics effects that the 360 and PS3 versions will have but it will have the ability to control the saber with the Wiimote, do force-push with the nunchuck, etc.

August 29th, 2008, 08:37 AM
Awesome awesome :)