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View Full Version : Why do people worry so much about Viruses?

September 5th, 2008, 08:37 AM
With no disrespect to anyones feeling..
I been computing since the 80's with out using very much
Virus software at all...
with that said..
Why do people worry so much about Viruses while using computers?

Common sense should always be enough..

Recently , I posted a message about "The Saturday Night Guitar Pull" site with some very good guitar players on it and videos of such..

When you goto this site it has an active X control it wants you to install.
I ofcourse, using common sense never install such things.

The site works perfect without it...

in some virus softwares it may be seen as a Virus/trojan..
Scaring people away.. this I think even happened here once on thefret.net or similar problem.. phishing site I think? :thwap:

Mostly..it's over protection from those software Virus programs getting everyone worried for not..

Just use common sense and you wouldn't need to bog down your system with Virus software...

Never run Active Controls from any site you do not know personally.

Never RUN any Executable file from ANYWHERE!

Never open a ZIPPED/Compress file without knowing it comes from a trusted site...

And lastly.. Backup what you care about.. the rest can always be restored and usually makes your system run faster from all the clutter you added during the last few years or so..

The control from the above site can be an exploit.. but very doubtfull..

Microsoft does have a component called MDAC (data access)
that allows for access to databases, etc.. The early version of
ADO (active data objects) evolved a RDS (remote data services)
feature. RDS was soon exploited in its early version. An RDS
usage, for an example, allows a web page to get a refresh of the
data it is using for display but without having to refresh the entire
web page with a full server roundtrip.

That said, anyone can make up names, and these are often
choosen to sound like something real, something one might
find info about via a web search, sufficient to make it seem
like it is OK.

if you have the nerve... still look up The Saturday Night Guitar Pull..
Just dont activate the control... to feel safe and secure..

September 5th, 2008, 08:49 AM
Because merely connecting an unpatched version of Windows XP to the Internet and doing _absolutely nothing_ will have that box compromised within 30 minutes. What you said are good, common sense (or should be common) precautions. The problem is that Windows in general and IE in particular are notoriously insecure. I'd be willing to bet no small amount of money that if you aren't using any kind of virus scanning software your system is compromised and probably by more than one thing.

This is the point in which I could be snarky and say that the reason I don't use virus scanning software is because I use Linux. The fact remains that while Linux is inherently more secure from viruses, rootkit attacks the more common means of attack. That comes from either running something you shouldn't (as root, which would be doubly stupid) or running some software that has a buffer overflow or some similar exploit. That's why it's so necessary to make sure your box is up to date.

September 5th, 2008, 08:52 AM
If for no other reason... MY peace of mind.

September 5th, 2008, 08:54 AM
Can someone explain exactly why IE is more inclined to contract viruses than Firefox?

September 5th, 2008, 09:00 AM
The problem is that Windows in general and IE in particular are notoriously insecure. I'd be willing to bet no small amount of money that if you aren't using any kind of virus scanning software your system is compromised and probably by more than one thing.

That's basicly my point.. compromised... what is the lesser of the evils?

If a virus is on a system.. the system will become mute in time and need to be fixed/restored..

Virus software connects into all areas of your system and don't tell me you don't feel it.. sometimes causing more problems then helping..

Compromised is on all systems.. tracking in cookies comes under all operating systems.. this is compromised.. and does little to your computer..

the word VIRUS.. shakes tall men in a single bound...;)

yet, how many here that have actually followed COMMON SENSE has ever had one?

Then how many here worry everytime their Virus Software warns them of troubles ahead...

How much does Nortons, Mcaffee etc make off people worrying is my point?

If connected online..always use (a) common sense and (b) FIREWALL.. Built in or other.. Winpatrol is free btw.. that should be enough.. for us common people..

September 5th, 2008, 09:03 AM
Can someone explain exactly why IE is more inclined to contract viruses than Firefox?

More widely used.. more exploits widely known to more people to play with..

Although the exploits become less and less with auto updates from MS..

more like... 10 million on IE.. 10 thousand on FF.. who ya wanna play with?

all software has exploits... ALL...

September 5th, 2008, 09:05 AM
Can someone explain exactly why IE is more inclined to contract viruses than Firefox?
Well, the newest versions of IE are significantly better. The problem was that Windows XP was designed so that IE was tied rather closely to the core operating system. That meant that any compromise to IE was a compromise to the entire system. Plus the initial settings for IE back in the Win98/XP days were not secure at all. Firefox never had that issue and was designed from the ground up to be more secure. Thankfully it has forced MS's hand and they have made significant improvements to IE. Nevertheless, exploits have been found for Firefox so you need to make sure to keep it up-to-date. Failing to keep your browser updated is a sure-fire way to get into trouble.

Today I probably would feel relatively comfortable using IE from a security standpoint. It's even gotten much better in its support of various webs standards. However, I've been using Firefox for so long, there's no reason to switch back. Plus IE doesn't exactly run on Linux :)

WRT virus scanners, there's really no reason not to use one when the excellent AVG anti-virus is free.

September 5th, 2008, 09:12 AM
Why do people worry so much about Viruses while using computers?

Is 30 minutes of down time on a work computer good enough reason? I kinda like NOT drawing attention to the fact that Im surfing the net instead of working.
A virus would make a good thing BAD in my case.

Yeah Ive got all the safety features as well as Firefox...but its still a pain in the arse.

I mean does herpes scare you??? I mean if you use common sense it shouldnt be a problem right? And even if it does become a problem it just looks like a pimple, right??? So go ahead and kiss that ugly girl...just dont go down town with her, Im sure youll be fine.:AOK:

September 5th, 2008, 09:13 AM
Justa, I'm not going to deny that anti-virus venders use histrionics to promote their products. I used to be a Norton devotee but I had so many problems with Norton Antivirus that I would rather be shot in the face at point-blank range than use it again. That does not inherently mean that the anti-virus products in general are worthless or unnecessary. Which is the lesser "evil"? Most definitely virus scanners. I'd much rather have someone's CPU cycles be eaten up by a scanner than by being part of a botnet.

September 5th, 2008, 09:27 AM
Lol, I don't worry about Herpes... I stick to COMMON SENSE there to..

Never kiss a cold sore... and do some checks.. before hand..

I guess, I just notice how much more I see people being afraid of everything they do in life..(granted I sleep with a gun)

it's a shame.. fear sets in.. life's enjoyments leave..
in everything we do these days. ..

Most have been programmed to need such things in life..
few have ever needed them..

goes back to the days people built bomb shelters in America..
hey, ya never know though...

September 5th, 2008, 09:38 AM
So if you knew she had herpes, but she didnt have a sore...youd still kiss her?

Cause, I mean, thats kinda what youre saying about that page.

Fear keeps people safe, people need safety...excessive fear is not healthy, but a lil is. The more you know about something, the less you fear it...maybe you just know more than the rest of us?

September 5th, 2008, 09:49 AM
So if you knew she had herpes, but she didnt have a sore...youd still kiss her?

Cause, I mean, thats kinda what youre saying about that page.

That page does not have a Virus... it shows to have a trojan.. do you know what a trojan is? and in what context it is being used?

it could be used in many ways.. many of which are not harmfull..
Again..if you do not install it..you dont get it!

Herpes is also controlled.. The post is Viruses worries.. people think a cookie is even a Virus...

here is a little explanation....

A computer trojan (http://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/sDefinition/0,,sid14_gci213221,00.html) is a lot like the movie troy. It’s a program installed on your computer (often bundled with another program) that runs in the background. It will open a door to your computer, so to speak, to allow another person to get IN. They can see your files, look at everything on your computer, and even take over your computer and use it for malicious means.
Trojans can also be a helpful tool installed and just pointed out by virus software as a BEWARE warning.

A virus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_virus) is destructive. It can rewrite your files, overwrite your files, and even wipe out your files. Some viruses can execute themselves to basically cripple your system (http://www.lockergnome.com/windows/2007/08/03/trojans-vs-viruses/#) in a matter of seconds. There are others that simply install themselves quietly, and then sendcopies (http://www.lockergnome.com/windows/2007/08/03/trojans-vs-viruses/#) of themselves out to everyone in your address book (http://www.lockergnome.com/windows/2007/08/03/trojans-vs-viruses/#) to infect them.

Spyware (http://www.antispywarecoalition.org/documents/definitions.htm) is a nifty little bugger that likes to… well… SPY on you. For example, those cool toolbars and desktop (http://www.lockergnome.com/windows/2007/08/03/trojans-vs-viruses/#) widgets you install… or a program you downloaded from a sharing network (http://www.lockergnome.com/windows/2007/08/03/trojans-vs-viruses/#)… often will have spyware bundled with them. This spyware gathers information about you and your surfing habits, and will send it back to the distributor without your knowledge and/or consent.
And of course, we have adware (http://www.pcmag.com/encyclopedia_term/0,2542,t=adware&i=37577,00.asp). Adware is just an ad running inside of a program. It installs itself directly onto your computer, and can open new browser (http://www.lockergnome.com/windows/2007/08/03/trojans-vs-viruses/#) windows, redirect your current window, and even hijack your search engine to redirect to its own results. Yes… those annoying popups you can never seem to get rid of are adware.

Viruses.. are very far inbetween and MUST be run on the system without common sense installed.

Trojans=Herpes and can be controlled. (watch the tv ads..;) )
Virus=AIDS and ends with death.

No I wouldnt want either.. just wonder why sooooo many people worry about it...

On a side note.... 9/11 is around the corner.. hold on...

September 5th, 2008, 09:57 AM
.. do you know what a trojan is? and in what context it is being used?

As previously stated:

The more you know about something, the less you fear it...maybe you just know more than the rest of us?

here is a little explanation....

A computer trojan (http://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/sDefinition/0,,sid14_gci213221,00.html) is a lot like the movie troy. It’s a program installed on your computer (often bundled with another program) that runs in the background. It will open a door to your computer, so to speak, to allow another person to get IN. They can see your files, look at everything on your computer, and even take over your computer and use it for malicious means.
Trojans can also be a helpful tool installed and just pointed out by virus software as a BEWARE warning.

You know, to me, that doesnt sound very desirable...you go ahead and kiss her, youre confident enough for the both of us....you asked "why" I just responded as to "why". *shrug*

September 5th, 2008, 10:00 AM
"why" I just responded as to "why". *shrug*

My point exactly...;)

Why do people worry so much about Viruses?
"why" *shrug*

September 5th, 2008, 10:04 AM
I think what may pass as "common sense" for a particularly computer savvy person may be a total freakin' mystery to many other people. You can't apply "common sense" to a situation when you don't have a firm grasp of what's going on and how things actually work. So while an expert may be able to thumb their nose at antivirus and anti-malware software because they can handle the threats based on thorough knowledge & experience, many of us have to rely on this stuff for protection.

The threats out there on the internet are very real. If you can handle them yourself, more power to ya! But to suggest that we all can--or should--is rather unrealistic, I think. My 2 cents....

September 5th, 2008, 10:21 AM
Duhvoodoman has it right. I am upping his .2 cents to a twoonie.

Don't link to pages that are bound to scare people - simple logic and common sense. Not everyone is computer savvy.

September 5th, 2008, 10:42 AM
Justa, I'll visit it once I get home. I have a virtual internet appliance on my home computer I use to visit risky sites.

September 5th, 2008, 10:51 AM
Well put, I agree.


I think what may pass as "common sense" for a particularly computer savvy person may be a total freakin' mystery to many other people. You can't apply "common sense" to a situation when you don't have a firm grasp of what's going on and how things actually work. So while an expert may be able to thumb their nose at antivirus and anti-malware software because they can handle the threats based on thorough knowledge & experience, many of us have to rely on this stuff for protection.

The threats out there on the internet are very real. If you can handle them yourself, more power to ya! But to suggest that we all can--or should--is rather unrealistic, I think. My 2 cents....

September 5th, 2008, 03:42 PM
Duhvoodoman has it right. I am upping his .2 cents to a twoonie.

Don't link to pages that are bound to scare people - simple logic and common sense. Not everyone is computer savvy.
Welp, I can understand all this..people get scared..

but to avoid things totally due to that instead of learning what is wrong is kinda silly..

Wasn't thefret.net a Phish site Robert? How many user did you lose with those thoughts of never link to anything that comes up bad..?

I just personally think its silly to throw a label on a site till it's looked at or the admin of the site is contacted..

September 5th, 2008, 04:04 PM
No it was not a Phishing site, no way. I think you mean something else, DNS hacking at some ISP or something. It sure wasn't on our server.

September 5th, 2008, 04:41 PM
No it was not a Phishing site, no way. I think you mean something else, DNS hacking at some ISP or something. It sure wasn't on our server.

My bad..it was Dolphinstreet...

point being.. don't always believe what you think as bad... find the solution.. don't just abandon it...

and always use common sense...

September 5th, 2008, 06:48 PM
Where do you buy these large Trojan's for your computer,because mine don't fit and I don't want any virus.Sumi:D

September 5th, 2008, 08:46 PM
Marnold, I agree that IE7 is getting better, but it is SO much uglier and so much slower than Firefox or even IE6. The biggest problem with IE is that ActiveX junk. Sure, it adds to cute functionality to IE, but it's also a big back door.

And 30 minutes to compromise an XP box is nothing. Back before SP2, I had boxes that we were rebuilding that got hit in less than five minutes. We had a rogue box on our network that we finally tracked down that blasting out viruses faster than we could install AV software. I work as a computer tech in a small school system and it's a never ending battle.

September 5th, 2008, 10:38 PM
Where do you buy these large Trojan's for your computer,because mine don't fit and I don't want any virus.Sumi:D

Great, we are getting all serious and Sumi is having sex with his computer.:thwap: :D

I know a little about computers but not enough to go without anti virus software. I don't have the time or skill or patience to deal with an infection. I'd prefer to be playing my guitar than fixing the computer.

So to answer another question - I wouldn't (actually didn't) kiss the girl with herpes.:whatever:

September 6th, 2008, 03:54 PM
Justa, the phishing thing was a warning from Microsoft. My site was never hacked or compromised. You can report any site to Microsoft as a phishing site. Apparently they might just believe it. :(

September 6th, 2008, 04:46 PM
Great, we are getting all serious and Sumi is having sex with his computer.:thwap: :D

Now wait a minute Spud I'm a married man and I don't fool around but if there's a virus when I,m surfing the net well I want some protection.Sumi:D