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View Full Version : using bass Korg Pandora w./ headphones, for electric..?

September 9th, 2008, 09:20 AM
I am new to electric playing and getting equipped... very slowly.

I happen to have a ToneWorks Korg Pandora for bass.

Could I use it for occasional headphone use on an electric guitar, with fair results and without damage?

September 9th, 2008, 10:30 AM
Your Pandora should work just fine with a guitar; remember that a lot of people actually use a Fender Bassman as a guitar amp. Just adjust the eq to your liking. Some minor details though: your Pandora may not have a lot of guitar effects and may not have distortion modes that you like for a guitar sound.

September 9th, 2008, 12:00 PM
Thanks aeolian

Bassman; I have a SS recent one (7-8 yrs old?) and played a semi-hollow guitar with it briefly: it was OK, but I did not seem to find the right settings to find enough treble in there, despite the piezo horn...

I wish I could make it work passably, actually.