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View Full Version : What Effects Do You Use for Acoustic?

June 6th, 2006, 04:35 PM
I'm currently running my acoustic through a 7-band EQ/pre-amp and chorus pedal on my stage rig (DI'd to the board). I use the chorus sparingly, just adds a little sumptin' to some songs. I really like the sound of a good clean acoustic with just a touch of reverb.

My Yamaha FG160E has both a magnetic pup in the soundhole and a piezo under the saddle. Single volume and tone controls.

I'm really, really attached to this guitar. My Dad purchased it for himself in '74 after we lost everything in a house fire, and was his main guitar for years as a semi-pro. It's the guitar I learned to play on as a kid and it was handed down to me about 15 years ago. Dad passed away this April 1st and I feel like I'm carrying on a bit of a legacy performing with it in my band. She's pretty roughed up (I call 'er Trigger after Willie's famous Martin) but still sounds decent, espcially with a new set of D'Addario EXP Lights. You can still smell cigarette smoke if you put your nose to the sound hole! Lots of nights in smokey ol' bar rooms.

Anyway... sentimentality aside, it's not the best or most expensive acoustic out there and I've played better ones. Just wondering what others may be doing to maximize/enhance their acoustic sound. I'm looking at BBE Acoustimax, Aphex Acoustic Exciter or something similar, but don't have any experience with these.


June 6th, 2006, 07:58 PM
I have an older Yamaha acoustic, too, an FG300. Not amplified in any way, though. Has a great tone, nonetheless. Details HERE (http://www.thefret.net/showthread.php?t=688), if you're interested....

June 6th, 2006, 10:02 PM
Hey duhvoodooman,

Yeah, saw that thread. She's a beaut for sure - of similar vintage, though a step or two above ol' Trigger. Amazing how great these guitars sound for "cheap knockoffs". Got to say, I'm a big fan of pure acoustic tone, but it's a bit of a challenge to replicate the purity of that sound live. So I'm looking for a) a way to get the tone I want as close as possible or b) a way to fool the masses into thinking they are listening to awesome acoustic tone :-)
