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View Full Version : Guitars that Never Caught Your Attention

just strum
October 11th, 2008, 06:14 AM
The Gibson LP and all of its clones has to be one of the most popular guitar styles. However, it is one style that has never caught my attention or that I GASSED for. I can see ones that are tastefully done, but never have I said "I want that".

I just realized it's because of "the point". My Wildkat is sort of a LP style, but no point. The same with my ARC300 I use to own.

A lot of people like points.


I like curves.


Is there a POPULAR style of guitar that just never caught your eye or interest? Why?

Do you believe that, photobucket censored a photo that wouldn't have been censored on a Catholic Church forum, but the pic of the pointy slut is allowed.

Well, here are the curves.


October 11th, 2008, 06:24 AM
I've never gassed for an LP either, but it has nothing to do with the shape.

I have yet to gas for a humbucker at all. I'm sure that it will hit me hard one day.

just strum
October 11th, 2008, 06:36 AM
I've never gassed for an LP either, but it has nothing to do with the shape.

I have yet to gas for a humbucker at all. I'm sure that it will hit me hard one day.

The day shall come.

SVL, Spud, and Rocket - I think we have a semi-HB candidate here!!!

October 11th, 2008, 06:54 AM
Is there a POPULAR style of guitar that just never caught your eye or interest? Why?

Not so much as a particular style as it is certain features. I really don't want a guitar with a Floyd Rose tremolo or any other similar type tremolo - too complicated and I'm not EVH.

I also don't care "antiqued" or "vintaged" guitars either. It's not as bad to customize/vintage a Strat or LP, but treating a newer design like the Washburn WI64V is stretching it a bit.

And I've got nothing against active electronics, in fact, I kinda like the sound of EMG's. But I hate to depend on anything running batteries, 'cause at some point in time, you're going to get stung with dead batteries and no way to play. A friend's daughter has a VG Strat that has the same problem. If I'm not mistaken, she can still play it in standard Strat mode, but nothing else. 'Course in her case, it'd help if she could actually PLAY, but that's another thread. :thwap:

BTW Strum, I'm a curve fan too! :D

October 11th, 2008, 07:26 AM
Hmm, maybe an OM sized acoustic. They sound lovely in other people's hands, but for me, I want the boom of a full size dread. Electric? It is hard to rule anything out, but I am sure if I thought long enough. tOTa, it was the semi/hollow factor that really got me craving a humbucker guitar.

October 11th, 2008, 07:47 AM
Hmm, maybe an OM sized acoustic. They sound lovely in other people's hands, but for me, I want the boom of a full size dread. Electric? It is hard to rule anything out, but I am sure if I thought long enough. tOTa, it was the semi/hollow factor that really got me craving a humbucker guitar.
I crave a semi or hollow with P90s ;).

October 11th, 2008, 07:53 AM
I crave a semi or hollow with P90s ;).

Well Ok, I can see that. It will be fun to see what you pick out when you are ready. :)

October 11th, 2008, 07:59 AM
I crave all guitars - it's only because of lack of funds that I don't already own all the guitars for sale in the world. Oh, and there's the storage issue too.

October 11th, 2008, 08:28 AM
As much as many here love them, I've never felt the desire to have a hollow or semi-hollow body guitar. Just not my thing. Plus the issues with feedback with the levels of gain I tend to use. Don't get me wrong, I have tremendous respect for guys like B.B. and Mr. 335 himself (to say nothing of the Motor City Madman). I'm amazed at some of the things that Pat Methany can do. It's just not me. I'm sure that being a child of the 80s has something to do with that. I could see myself owning a Les Paul, but I've only played one in my life--a used Epi that I played for about five minutes in a store one time.

October 11th, 2008, 08:36 AM
Exaggerated sharp, pointy, even 'upside down' shaped things like Flying V's, Explorers (even Firebirds, tho softer, upside down), Iceman, BC Rich Bich & Mockingbird, Deans. Not so much because of the looks (although I'm a child of the 50's & 60's, not 80's...the V, Exp and Birds are 60's guitars), but because they just feel awkwardly unbalanced to me.

just strum
October 11th, 2008, 04:19 PM
See first post.

October 11th, 2008, 04:41 PM
I crave all guitars... ...there's the storage issue too.
What he said!

October 12th, 2008, 05:50 AM
Just to clarify my feelings in regards to humbuckers. There is a boatload of great music made with humbuckers & someday I'll desire them, but for my current purposes I'm more interested in single coils (albeit often offbeat single coils).

I don't tend to GAS just for GAS's sake. I'm just don't have a collectors mental constitution.

When I have an itch that only a bucker can scratch then I'll be gassing with the best of them.

October 12th, 2008, 06:54 AM
There are two guitars I can think of that I have no interest in.

LP's - Let me just say, aesthetically I think LP's are beautiful guitars. I just don't really think the tones that they get are in line with anything that I want to play.

SG's - Aesthetically, I hate them. Too pointy.

Brian Krashpad
October 14th, 2008, 06:20 AM
SG's - Aesthetically, I hate them. Too pointy.

Problem solved.



I never had a problem with SG's but the really pointy ones like Jackson Rhodes V's and BC Rich I could never go for.

This is the limit of my pointyness:


October 14th, 2008, 07:36 AM
I love the way Les Pauls look, especially tobacco brown sunbursts, they just have something that I like. But I've always been scared away from Les Pauls as my "gotta have it guitar" for other reasons. The big reasons have been:
- too pricey
- not as versatile as a Strat with the 5-way switch
- too heavy
- inconsistant quality of Gibsons

But, having said that I have to say that I'm really starting to crave one.

For me, the one guitar that has never excited me are SG's. They feel weird when I play them. I feel the same about Flying V's and Explorers. I just don't get it.

-- Jim

October 14th, 2008, 08:21 AM
I never gassed for PRS guitars. I even never was into Ibanez guitars in general. May it be older models or all the RG or JEM stuff.

Brian Krashpad
October 14th, 2008, 09:01 AM
I never gassed for PRS guitars. I even never was into Ibanez guitars in general. May it be older models or all the RG or JEM stuff.

Agreed, never got into these either.

October 14th, 2008, 09:55 AM
I had a PRS Custom SE guitar for awhile that was pretty cool but I traded it off. I too can't get into the PRS's. I wish Santana would play his old music again playing anything else BUT a PRS. Just once I'd love to hear him play a Strat or Tele.

October 21st, 2008, 10:27 AM
I've never played an SG that I liked.

October 28th, 2008, 06:14 PM
man am I out of place. I love les pauls,I feel PRS are great guitars as well.
and my old sg was one of the most playable guitars I ever owned.

I dont mind the iceman, vee and explorer looks. but I don't care for the wild pointy metal type guitars like the randy rhodes or warlocks...ect.except for the superstrat types.

I don't care for guitars with alot of switches and knobs like the jaguar or brian mays design. and never was big on peavey or ovation electrics.

October 28th, 2008, 07:54 PM
Any strat-based guitar with a Floyd Rose trem, 24 fret board and a "you'll 'ave someone's eye out with that" headstock. Not to mention all those hideous (to me) finishes they used to use on Jacksons and the like.