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View Full Version : Switch guitars

June 11th, 2006, 03:48 PM
I just got a Switch Innovo IV Signiture. Got it off an auction on E-bay with no bids, thought what the heck, I'll try it. Came home Sat. and got to play it. Nice guitar, the Wilkinson stays in tune, the EMG selects are hot and clean, and it rings clear and sustains great. Sounds really nice through the Valve Junior head through a 2x12 Celestion cab. Anyone else had a chance to play one of these? It's made of one piece of "Vibrocell", a synthetic material. I was very impressed by this little axe. Heavy like a LP, similar neck to a LP also.http://www.switchmusic.com/guitar_view.aspx?pid=12
Lots better than the plastic guitars they used to make in Japan when I was 5 yrs old, I think it's a keeper! :D
Glenn (the oldguy)

November 21st, 2007, 01:29 AM
Hey oldguy, do you still have this axe? If so what do you think of it now after you've had it a while?

November 22nd, 2007, 03:58 AM
Wow, I almost missed this, Spudman. ATAYOQASAICMOF, I still like this guitar very much, and plan on A/B' ing it through the Epi SoCal half stack with my Strat and then Tele sometime.
I've never had issues of any kind with it, just change strings, keep it clean, and adjust the truss rod ("barely tweak" is more like it) now and then.
I had some concerns about the composite body originally, even though I've seen everything from bikes to compound bows to cars go composite, and usually for the better. Guess I figured if a lemon got squeezed out I'd be the dude hit in the eye with the juice:messedup: :messedup: :messedup: