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View Full Version : Planned "new" "Jeff Healey" album

Brian Krashpad
October 29th, 2008, 01:12 PM
An internet friend of mine who knew Jeff for decades has been keeping me apprised of this sitch; spread the word among any Healey fans, please.

Here is a press release from the Healey Estate and his widow's spokespeople:

Press release:

Media information / For immediate release


On November 4th Arbor Records, a small Winnipeg label specializing in
Aboriginal recordings, plan to release a double CD/DVD set of material
by the Jeff Healey Band, which broke up in 2002.

The release consists of early singles and unreleased live material, and
is being released in collaboration with the former drummer in the Jeff
Healey Band, Tom Stephen.

The release of this compilation, titled "Legacy Volume One".
is being done against the wishes of the Healey Estate and his family.
By the time of his death last March, Jeff had long ceased to have any
association — creative or otherwise — whatsoever with Mr. Stephen, and had long endured a bitter feud with the former drummer, who claimed he was owed monies and rights to Jeff’s music.

Cristie Healey, Jeff Healey’s widow, released a statement that she was
“deeply and sadly disappointed” that the label, who were notified of
the Estate’s objections, went ahead with the release — and that EMI
Canada saw fit to handle the distribution of the record.

“We ask that Jeff’s fans please refrain from purchasing this
compilation out of respect for Jeff and his family. This release is NOT
authorized or supported in any way by Jeff’s estate.”

Ms. Healey said the family felt that the collection lacked the care and
attention that any “legacy” project should deserve. One disc consists
of “yet another ‘hits’ compilation and the bonus disc is an assembly of
inferior tracks that have been readily available for download for

Aside from the ‘Mess of Blues’ CD that was released with Jeff Healey’s
active participation and approval this past spring on Stony Plain in
Canada, and Ruf Records in Europe and the U.S., there have been no
other releases since his death.

However, the Healey Estate does plan to authorize the release of other
Jeff Healey recordings in the future, including a Jeff Healey Jazz
Wizards release to join the three already available on Stony Plain.

Said Ms. Healey: “The estate will ensure that future releases are
assembled with the care and attention that they deserve out of respect
for Jeff and his fans around the world.

“Other releases, which have not been authorized or approved by the
Healey Estate, do not honour Jeff's memory or the legacy of his art,
and are merely being released to exploit Jeff’s name.”


For further information, please contact:

Richard Flohil
416 351-1323

October 29th, 2008, 01:28 PM
Man that sucks.:flamemad:
Thanks for the info Brian..........maybe the word will spread and the creep doing this won't see much profit.

Brian Krashpad
October 29th, 2008, 01:45 PM
Man that sucks.:flamemad:
Thanks for the info Brian..........maybe the word will spread and the creep doing this won't see much profit.

Just after I posted this my bud who knew Jeff let me know that 2 of Canada's biggest retailers have refused to stock the record. It's good to know that sometimes a commercial enterprise can do the right thing.

October 29th, 2008, 01:51 PM
Good to hear........hope it continues.:beer:

October 29th, 2008, 01:52 PM
Not that I am suggesting anybody participate in any illegal activity, but this album seems like a good candidate for an illegal download. That way fans still get to hear the unreleased material but the jerks trying to capitalize off of Healey's name without his family's permission won't see a dime from it. Dunno. I know I would have liked to hear it but I won't pay for it now that I read this. Thanks Brian for brining this to our attention.

October 30th, 2008, 07:53 AM
But as consumers, why do we care about what his estate wants?
Let the legal system work that out...otherwise they dont have a leg to stand on. I mean apparently they have the rights to it, right?
I mean if the quality sucks, then so be it(I dont wanna buy it then and thanks for the warning)...but this is a 2 CD set that includes a DVD too. Half of it is studio singles and the other half is live recordings at Electric Ladyland and Hammersmith Odeon(among a couple other venues) all of which have been known for great live recordings.

I mean if the family is concerned its gonna take away from their compilation's sales thats due to come after this release, then Im sorry they beat you to the punch.
The story really reads like Dale Earnhardt's widow pleading not to show the footage...but this is really nothing like that at all.

I had to google search info about this album, aside from what Krash had posted, this was bout all I could find...its due out Nov 4th.

Am I missing something???

Brian Krashpad
October 30th, 2008, 09:37 AM
But as consumers, why do we care about what his estate wants?
Let the legal system work that out...otherwise they dont have a leg to stand on. I mean apparently they have the rights to it, right?

No, it's disputed whether Healey's ex-drummer has the right to do this.

When was the last time you saw/heard of some unknown drummer having the wherewithal to legally have the rights to recordings made by a well-known entertainer?

Record companies the well-known person was was under contract to, sure. And sometimes the well-known entertainer's management (although often such rights were obtained through fraud and deceit).

But his drummer?

We as consumers should care because if we buy despite these misgivings and "the legal system works it out" later that the widow was correct and this guy is a sleazeball, then we've helped him steal from the widow of a blind dead guy.

To me, that's something.

October 30th, 2008, 11:30 AM
We as consumers should care because if we buy despite these misgivings and "the legal system works it out" later that the widow was correct and this guy is a sleazeball, then we've helped him steal from the widow of a blind dead guy.

Record companies the well-known person was was under contract to, sure. And sometimes the well-known entertainer's management (although often such rights were obtained through fraud and deceit).

But his drummer?

This lowly drummer, which nobody seems to mention this fact, this drummer was his business manager...and also has many writing credits with the JH Band as well.

Disappointed (http://www.chartattack.com/news/62134/healeys-widow-disappointed-by-album-release)

Healey('s wife) also says the set is objectionable because her late husband and Stephen didn't have a good relationship in recent years. A press release says that Stephen claims he was owed money and rights to Jeff Healey's music.

Well who cares what their relationship was like...I dont really care for my boss sometimes either.

"The estate will ensure that future releases are assembled with the care and attention that they deserve out of respect for Jeff and his fans around the world," Cristie Healey says.

If the tracks suck, they suck...thats to be determined as its not released yet...but Id care to bet it sounds pretty damn sweet! Im sure its not lacking in production or sound quality...so what extra care and attention is she referring to?? Would she have thrown in a second DVD?!?!

Arbor managing director Steve McAuley defended Legacy: Volume One in this statement issued early on Wednesday evening:

“Arbor Records is proudly releasing a wealth of music and video in the spirit and respect of Jeff Healey and the Jeff Healey band. In an effort to share the band’s legacy with Canadian fans and supporters worldwide, [we] stand behind this music and DVD compilation with great pride and satisfaction, and proudly speak to the unified efforts that went into this project. Arbor Records obtained the rights to release this package through the appropriate legal channels and applicable parties involved. In honor of the raw, formulative years of this great Canadian band, we will let the music speak for itself.”

To be perfectly honest with everybody, Id rather have the "Mess of Blues" album...but because of this, Im dying to see/hear what this album is like..."and let the music speak for itself"...because in all honesty, thats all I really care about, how it sounds.

Brian Krashpad
October 30th, 2008, 12:16 PM
This lowly drummer, which nobody seems to mention this fact, this drummer was his business manager...and also has many writing credits with the JH Band as well.

As noted in my previous post, it's not uncommon for "business managers" to screw their clients (I'm guessing blind guys are slightly easier victims), here the ex-drummer "manager" claims to have rights but apparently that's been contested for years. So he waits for the blind guy to die and then puts out the album.


I can't believe this makes no difference to you.

And can't think of anything else to say to you. Buy what you want, if you're helping screw a widow and minor kid out of their rights, you can deal with that.

October 30th, 2008, 12:49 PM
As noted in my previous post, it's not uncommon for "business managers" to screw their clients (I'm guessing blind guys are slightly easier victims), here the ex-drummer "manager" claims to have rights but apparently that's been contested for years. So he waits for the blind guy to die and then puts out the album.

These are just assumptions...legally, obviously, hes entitled to do so, even the record companies lawyers seem to agree.
But Im not a lawyer, maybe you have some other insight thats not readily available to a layman such as myself?


I dont think that was absolutely necessary, Im really just trying to look at it from another perspective other than the "victim"s

And hear me out on this...if you are in a public place, and you get in an argument with a lady...I dont care whos right, everybody defends the lady.

I can't believe this makes no difference to you.

And can't think of anything else to say to you. Buy what you want, if you're helping screw a widow and minor kid out of their rights, you can deal with that.

Im just a consumer, I buy goods and services...Im not a judge or lawyer, so her case means very little to me...the company obviously has a legal right to sell the product. If I buy the product, Im not stealing from her or her children...or even helping for that matter.
As consumers, we buy many products that have questionable morals and values attached to them everyday...should I draw the line on this one???

And for the record, I see this as a discussion forum...it wouldnt be much fun if we all in agreement all of the time...and I dont disagree with you, Ive just got questions...I looked up alot of the answers, and Ive gotta say, Im alright with buying this album, for consumers who are interested in his MUSIC this release sounds like a great deal...bummer for the wife of the estate who plans on putting out many more unreleased albums, just as Tommy is doing.

Maybe he is owed?
Maybe he does have the legal rights?
Maybe his and Jeff's falling out in recent years was because of Jeff's Jazz project, where he doesnt even play guitar?
Maybe as his manager he didnt think JH was as marketable playing a horn?
I know I certainly would argue that with Jeff Healey!
Wouldnt you?
I can imagine how that would cause a rift between the two of them.

I mean come on, there are plenty of Lawyers around here...I dont really see how you(anybody) can argue for her? Except for shes playing the victim...and shes a woman...and he was blind, so he must have gotten ripped off.

Fact is, this competes with her product...as well as future products...boo hoo. Its obviously legal.

October 30th, 2008, 06:05 PM
I can see your point, ShortBusX. We have precious little information on the whole situation. I guess I'm old enough and cynical enough to think that someone's memory is honored if the check is cut, but if it isn't then it isn't. If the Healey estate has a legal leg to stand on, a lawsuit will take care of the matter. If they don't, well, they can distance themselves from it but that's about it. I could get into a diatribe on how profoundly screwed up copyright law is in this country, but that would mean getting up on my soapbox. I'd rather have a beer. The whole recording industry strikes me as "a wretched hive of scum and villainy."

October 30th, 2008, 08:21 PM
I can see your point, ShortBusX. We have precious little information on the whole situation. I guess I'm old enough and cynical enough to think that someone's memory is honored if the check is cut, but if it isn't then it isn't. If the Healey estate has a legal leg to stand on, a lawsuit will take care of the matter. If they don't, well, they can distance themselves from it but that's about it.

And see, thats kinda my point, if "the estate" has a legal leg to stand on then they will be re-embursed for the profits he made, no?

October 30th, 2008, 08:41 PM
And FWIW, Im not just trying to debate this topic, I really wanna know...as opposed to just believing what I read on the interwebs...I actually called:

For further information, please contact:

Richard Flohil
416 351-1323

I so dont believe everything I read that I actually followed through.
First I went to "Snopes" and it didnt turn up anything.
And then I thought about some of the more recent things that were on Snopes, and remembered they had actual facts that went ignored, as if they challenged you to check, but knew you wouldnt...so I followed the lead in the "press release"...but right now, I dont wanna get into the conversation...and Im sure some of you arent even interested at this point, but I havent the time right now to cover the conversation or my opinion of it.

Im sorry, let me start by saying that...I have doubts when somebody tells me to believe something "just because"...especially internet related.

I really have a problem with "press releases" and the "associated press" these days. For example the "fish topic" from last month(remember?) or even this story.
The thing is, almost anybody can release a press release, even to the associated press...and I dont really have a problem with that.
BUT a press release used to be a lead for a story...but now it is the story...nobody follows up, its just copy and paste...WTF???
There are questions still left to be asked...to be answered.
Dont you agree? Or are we just supposed to take these stories as bond?
Wheres the investigation? Whos checking these facts out????
Nobody...its a press release...and they are just being passed on, over and over again.
Dont believe me, try googling info about Jeff Healey's new album(this one)...try to find dirt about him and his drummer friend...all youll find is the same press release over and over again...forum to forum...and so on.

This is a story with no story to back it up...its just a press release...and I need meat and potatoes!
Give me Rolling Stone! ...or sumthin! Geeez!...Im just sayin:thwap:
This is Jeff flippin Healey! The most awesome jazz horn player!:dude: :rotflmao:

October 31st, 2008, 12:44 PM

Okay, so I called that Richard Flohil guy(from the press release) yesterday...he was very nice and friendly(seriously) and more than willing to answer any questions I had...Im no reporter, so I felt really unprepared.

I asked him about Tommy being Jeff's "business manager"...he denied that, but went on to say it was an "equal partnership between the 3 of the band members". I then asked about Tommy having the rights to the songs, he said that itd be long standing disputed and he couldnt go into it for legal reasons.

He said Tommy offered her 10% of the royalties but she declined...and then asked me if I though 10% was fair? But I really dont know what 10% of the roalties really means...I mean dont some artist get 17%...I just dont understand the context to really know that answer.

He said Tommy has equal partnership in the name "The Jeff Healey Band"...and when he was out of the band Jeff could no longer use the name.

And lastly, he said "If you wanna know about Tommy...lets just say I wouldnt trust him with MY last dime." but to that I replied simply, "but were not talking about anybody's 'last dime'"...he couldnt go on for legal reason, but that comment alone rubbed me the wrong way, I thanked him for his time and patience in answering my questions, so Id be able to make an informed decision before purchasing said album...but then he said "if you wanna buy the album, go ahead...it just not an authorized product of the Jeff Healey estate, youre entitled to make your own choices."

Very nice guy.

In all, I think the guy(Tommy) clearly has the rights to it, even though it is disputed...and I also think hes got a better product than Jeff Healey's widow, and thats gotta suck for her...but I really dont see how hes not entitled. And for that maybe Im dumbass, but Im alright with that.

October 31st, 2008, 11:56 PM
An internet friend of mine who knew Jeff for decades has been keeping me apprised of this sitch; spread the word among any Healey fans, please.

Here is a press release from the Healey Estate and his widow's spokespeople:

Press release:

Media information / For immediate release


On November 4th Arbor Records, a small Winnipeg label specializing in
Aboriginal recordings, plan to release a double CD/DVD set of material
by the Jeff Healey Band, which broke up in 2002.

The release consists of early singles and unreleased live material, and
is being released in collaboration with the former drummer in the Jeff
Healey Band, Tom Stephen.

The release of this compilation, titled "Legacy Volume One".
is being done against the wishes of the Healey Estate and his family.
By the time of his death last March, Jeff had long ceased to have any
association — creative or otherwise — whatsoever with Mr. Stephen, and had long endured a bitter feud with the former drummer, who claimed he was owed monies and rights to Jeff’s music.

Cristie Healey, Jeff Healey’s widow, released a statement that she was
“deeply and sadly disappointed” that the label, who were notified of
the Estate’s objections, went ahead with the release — and that EMI
Canada saw fit to handle the distribution of the record.

“We ask that Jeff’s fans please refrain from purchasing this
compilation out of respect for Jeff and his family. This release is NOT
authorized or supported in any way by Jeff’s estate.”

Ms. Healey said the family felt that the collection lacked the care and
attention that any “legacy” project should deserve. One disc consists
of “yet another ‘hits’ compilation and the bonus disc is an assembly of
inferior tracks that have been readily available for download for

Aside from the ‘Mess of Blues’ CD that was released with Jeff Healey’s
active participation and approval this past spring on Stony Plain in
Canada, and Ruf Records in Europe and the U.S., there have been no
other releases since his death.

However, the Healey Estate does plan to authorize the release of other
Jeff Healey recordings in the future, including a Jeff Healey Jazz
Wizards release to join the three already available on Stony Plain.

Said Ms. Healey: “The estate will ensure that future releases are
assembled with the care and attention that they deserve out of respect
for Jeff and his fans around the world.

“Other releases, which have not been authorized or approved by the
Healey Estate, do not honour Jeff's memory or the legacy of his art,
and are merely being released to exploit Jeff’s name.”


For further information, please contact:

Richard Flohil
416 351-1323
Thanks Brian.personally liked Jeff Healy as much as Jeff Beck but in respect of JH I can wait for the other albums.I won't look for it But I'll not turn it down if it is given to me(about a snowball's chance in hell that'll happen).be nice if the estate got behind it,sounds interesting.I have a line I will not cross.and morals not to be stepped on.sorry but I'm with Cristie on this one.No Sale,as if there is $$ to spare - nope.
that line by Churchill means something to me and rings true