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View Full Version : I Think Im Improving..

June 16th, 2006, 02:47 PM
Well, this is more of a thank you then anything... I only been on the Fret.net for around 9 months and I was thinking if it has helped... well heck yeah it has... I found my way here through Robert Renman's site while I was thinking of buying a Vox amp..which in turn I did not.. but thats a good thing in a way.. What I found out through this site is what I like in sound and equipment even if not the main equipment most use here.. I also purchased a Squier51 which I still love to death... again from this site and more importantly Robert Renman... Through the other users.. many many of you guys... I found different sites which also helped me figure how to start playing.. I started here knowing hardly how to strum and maybe a blues scales and with more and more reading..reading and more reading it's led me to enjoy playing and learning how to.. I still can't keep a beat worth a S*** but I can tell my own self it's improving.. I've now found myself trying Nylon guitars and still hang on Electric site..lol.. I guess it's all the same.. and truelly an adventure...

This little clip (Ibanez Nylon to cyber-champ into audigy card to audacity to mp3) which corrections have not been made because I guess this is how I play most of them with the errors still.. is what I am up to now...ba'r with me..still a beginner...G7 C7 D7 then in the middle tried a barred G7, C9, D9 then back to the sevens and a little riff thrown in under/over the G7 C7 I enjoy playing different 12 bar blues or jazzy kinda sometimes.. This is what I sit for hours trying to play clean .. trying 7ths and such makes these new chords to me a challenge I know I need to take.. and its getting better.

Im noticing more and more Willie Nelson's Jazz/Blues sound in his country songs and classics which I am no place near on getting down his way yet.. But nelson's playing and voicings are just amazing to me..

Anyways... different keys and trying different voicings.. again through listening/reading the posts ya'll put out about ways to play... and trying to play chords and throwing in a little riff in places.. you pros think it's easy..lol..think back..it sure aint for me... but thats the help I been blessed with finding on this site these last few months.. different styles and views.. thanks fellas...

June 16th, 2006, 03:18 PM
Justa - Your baiting us. I can not open the MP3 to listen to your masterpiece. I will try later, if I can wait that longer.

June 16th, 2006, 03:36 PM
LOL.. no tim.. forgot mp3's have problems here sometimes...

no masterpiece.. honest.. lol.. was just something to do.. some day we make a masterpiece though huh.. if we stick around here and listen to these guys and pick things up here and there...

Here is a link to the file http://www.savefile.com/files/4057436

June 16th, 2006, 06:17 PM
Good strumming Justa, I notice improvement too! You are getting more confident in your playing.


June 17th, 2006, 07:44 AM
Way to go Justa! It takes some cajones to put yourself out there for all the world (or at least this corner of it) to see/hear/critique. But from what I've seen this is a really supportive group. I might get brave enough to throw down a jingle or two yet! I'm pretty intrigued about all the home recording set ups here, something I haven't tried to do since my teen years with an old cassette deck. Seems so sophisticated now! I have the technology, just haven't taken 'er for a test drive yet.

Hey, I'm a HUGE Willie fan. Me and a buddy of mine have been known to hang at his cabin by the lake and pick and grin along with Willie until the sun comes up. The depth of material to tap into is phenomenal! And if you can get his style and phrasing down, then I'm coming to take lessons from you! I haven't heard anyone emulate it yet. Have you heard Teatro? What do you think? I think it's right up your alley.

Anyway, just wanted to say :R

June 17th, 2006, 10:57 AM
I liked that Justa, the sound was a bit towards the "chess records" sound :)
And yes, I think that you really have improved and gained confidence!

June 17th, 2006, 11:10 AM
Hmmm ! "PAGE CAN NOT BE DISPLAYED". It seems others are getting in. I wonder what my problem is?

June 17th, 2006, 11:16 AM
Ok! I went back to the top thread and saved the MP3 to my hard drive. Very good example of improvement there Justa. My hat is off to you since you performed the recording with your acoustic. To me that is a big step. For what I can play, it sound 100 times better on my electric than acoustic. My acoustic buzzes a lot and it is hard to do barre chords. Again excellent job Justaguy.

June 17th, 2006, 03:28 PM
T_ross... your a lucky man to be able to sit along and play with Willie.. what moments those must be... I don't own Teatro but have heard tracks from it.. goes along with Spirit some say... I like Bandera played from that cd alot although he has played it on others.. I have a lot of Willie's cds.. latest being the cindy walker songs and 'it always will be' (im wearing this one out back and forth to work).. so so so many songs he has recorded that are great... I want a Trigger and a baldwin amp and to play timeslipsaway/crazy/nitelife as he does during concerts which I seen many of!! heh.. but I would never has his style or tone.. such a great player and writer.

Robert, Swede.. I think that was my main point.. this site gives Confidence.. and it's growing.. to hit the strings harder and with more confidence really does make it sound good..even when it dont..lol... heck of a nice trip... thanks guys

Tim.. Strumming was one of my biggest problems although I got many.. I think I can either hit a string or miss it as I want to "Most" the time.. that 6 skip 5 hit 4 etc strum patterns is really kicking my butt... but its getting better.. as is speeds from slow to fast...less and less miss..and Nylon electric... well it's a sound all its own.. so I guess it has a place.. blues,country,jazz.. oh wait thats the ones I like..heh..I need more nylons...:)
http://www.savefile.com/files/8709907 :slow to fast strumming with chords here..

June 18th, 2006, 04:52 AM
Robert, Swede.. I think that was my main point.. this site gives Confidence.. and it's growing.. to hit the strings harder and with more confidence really does make it sound good..even when it dont..lol... heck of a nice trip... thanks guys

Well, thank you Justa for letting us know/hear about your progress!

You know, Miles Davis once said to Mike Stern (who was playing in his band for a couple of years) - "Turn up the volume or be quiet"..

June 18th, 2006, 10:10 AM
Hello Justaguyin_nc,

Great job, I have only been here a couple months or so and I can already see the atmosphere is great for accomplishment, that is rare to find anywhere you go. Thanks again Robert and all of you for all your time and help.

Well...I got to get back to practicing. Keep them tunes comin Justaguyin_nc.


June 18th, 2006, 12:28 PM
Hey keep up the good work man!!

June 19th, 2006, 10:42 AM
Nice bit of playing. I'm sure you already know a lot more than I-IV-V, but on the other hand just those 3 chords will give you thousands of songs to play. I'm still learning many of them myself.


July 5th, 2006, 12:40 PM
Yeah I know more then I-IV-V.. I think I know to much from "reading" and not enough on how to apply any of it..lol.. I am still way a beginner.. Strumming is my main problem and keeping time while doing it.. but I progress slowly... and still have the confidence I need to know I am learning...

This file is my rendition of GhostRiders... trying to strum a few guitars and add bass line plus some fill from plugged in Nylon while just trying to say the words..lol.. a newbies complete band in his own box I guess using tracking software..

Download at the bottom of that page...


Zager-50 Dreadnought and Nylon Ibanez AE10 strumming thru xm8500 Mic into Audigy SoundCard into audacity Eq;ed to Dark N Dull,
SX 57 for a little bass line and Ibanez AE10Nylon plugged in for some fill lead.. tried singing while playing the nylon at same time.. tough stuff..
for a newbie like me!

All critics please explain how to improve..besides practice practice practice.. oh never mind.. thats the answer huh...:)

July 5th, 2006, 01:01 PM
Wow! You got a nice voice!!

nice smooth sound from that nylon string guitar, we need to hear more of this stuff!
How to improve? It sounds like you have improved a lot since you first joined the fretnet!

July 5th, 2006, 01:07 PM
All critics please explain how to improve..besides practice practice practice.. oh never mind.. thats the answer huh...:)

Hey, that's pretty cool :DR

Nice tone, nice voice. Perhaps a slide-solo in the last third part of the song. But no real critics at all....

July 5th, 2006, 01:18 PM
Great vocals, Justa! I could hear you doing some way cool Cash tunes with your voice. I think you've also hit on the perfect venue for you... Sparse arrangements, mostly just you and your nylon string acoustic.

Well done!:DR

So when's the album coming out?:D

July 7th, 2006, 01:28 PM
wow... you guys are very supportive... thanks a bunch guys... I been enjoying the acoustics both the Zager and Nylon.. adding in the Bass line from the sx57 makes a difference to these old ears.. Vocals? me...lol.. it's like jukebox singing drunk at the bar... One thing I can say about getting OLD... you have no shame in your game.. be'it good or a bad thang.. lol...

Here is more vocals :eek: I was trying to see if I got any browny points with this one.. and it worked..:cool:


July 7th, 2006, 01:35 PM
I think you really have found your style, and what a great song! :)

July 7th, 2006, 01:58 PM
Here is more vocals :eek: I was trying to see if I got any browny points with this one.. and it worked..:cool:

Shure it worked. It's a great song. Hey, and the guitar work is fine. A very fine alternative to the dideldideldidel high speed shredding....

July 7th, 2006, 06:34 PM
I think I lost the shredder in me that I never found to begin with... Old ears can't take it.. getting to laid back here in the Carolina's... but still got a pulse... had to update this file with some squire 51 fill.. http://www.savefile.com/files/8322929 just cause I wanted to.. and was finding sumpting to do.. I havent a clue what the lead suppose to be but this worked good enough for me.. aint gonna hurt it any..I don't think.. I need to go practice practice practice...

July 8th, 2006, 05:27 AM
Keep it up, Justa! No doubt you have found your style. :D

July 8th, 2006, 12:26 PM
I surely enjoy this stuff.. I need to go ahead and take this retirement and just sit hours on end playing and playing Like I should have as a child..sigh..

I still need to mix some blues sometimes.. this is MIMstrat62..sx57 bass and the almighty Squier 51.... Justa Slow G blues .. this stuff is so relaxing no matter how it turns out..


Oh wait..I need to add sad words for blues thingies... ok this one got sad words..


Download at bottom of page..

August 5th, 2006, 02:47 PM
I finally figured out why I upload this stuff.. it keeps the pros rolling their eyes and the other beginners a reason to feel they can do better than that guy...lol.. anyways.. this one I was trying to see if I could speed it up a bit while I was passing time here and wanted to try switching pickups while playing.. hey, I have a tough time rubbing my head and patting my tummy... or is that patting my head and rubbing my tummy.... backing with Squier 51 and SX-sjb57 Bass... lead with Squier Tele..


Blues in E (Up tempo for me)

Download on bottom of page.. if your just plain bored and want to roll your eyes..

August 5th, 2006, 04:59 PM
Thanks, Justa!
I heard some licks in there that I need to learn. "Up-tempo" is something I work on all the time, but I seem to be "out of time" or my timing is always off, as I'm sure you can tell from my posts. I just try and "hide" it as best I can when I record and post my rambling pickin'.
I'm gonna try to do something "Willie" if I can. Since I'm self-taught most of my stuff isn't "right" but it's fun. Keep on pickin' and have fun. That's what I do , and it's got me through some real rough times.

August 5th, 2006, 06:32 PM
Timing? Im suppose to learn timing too... sheesh!! lol.. Only time I can keep is with a Timex.. but its getting better

August 6th, 2006, 05:28 PM
That's a really nice tone Justaguyin_nc... that's sounds really nice through the equipment you use. I never thought such a clear clip could be made by a PC. I may have to give mine a try. Now you've inspsired me! :)

August 27th, 2006, 02:21 PM
I gotta throw in my Rocky Solo wanna be sound now.... I was admiring a squier tele custom in another post on here and started thinking of ole Keiff and the rolling stones... Tried some tele sounds with my tele squier and vintage pickups..

Clip: Using Fender Cyber-Champ on Red House preset for guitar 1 and 2.. through Tele 1)Bridge lead solo and 2)Neck.. strumm'in loud in the back..

would like to find a long good backing of this song.

August 27th, 2006, 02:36 PM
Nice take, Justa! Keep up the good work, I never got to play one of those cybers yet but I'll run across one eventually!:D

October 28th, 2006, 02:37 PM
Well, I figured it's been a year here.. I have such a problem concentrating on any one group of songs or sounds.. So, this is more or less to see what I did a year from now..;) I am now in the need to get a gilmour sound. DSOTM and WALL period seem to be my teenhood.. And lately I can't get off the Pink Floyd boat.. I know this is far from the Gilmour sound.. but it's my sound to date for it.. Hopefully in a year I will have it down.. This is part of the Comfortably Numb loop with me just chilling.. not trying to play gilmour.. just playing.. Used the OLP- John Petrucci stock (Which I am enjoying the stock pickups actually).. Used alot of pedals..for me anyways.. DOD Compressor, into Bad Monkey into BD-2, into IceBox, into DigiVerb and than into Fender Cyber Champ which had the delay and some Flanger... (Are you guys happy giving G.A.S. so people buy and use all this stuff?) .. I think the sound is still far far away.. probably my playing and settings.. Gilmour sounds so much more compressed and THICK.. my next two purchases will be a stand alone delay and the Electric Mistress.. then maybe the DynaComp.. I dunno.. I have a Crate PowerBlock comming and I really want to get all effects needed into stompboxes.. just to be able to make it sound the way I want in any amp or PA system.. I would love to get that deep thick sound he has.. or in the ball park anyways... time will tell... guess learning the songs note for note can't hurt either..heh.. someone take my hand and guide me...:)

October 28th, 2006, 04:48 PM
Hi Justa,

Nice job on the solo. Your solo sounds very David Gilmour-esc with the effects you are using. If you're trying to get closer to his sound you might want to try the same thing with your Strat. Use either the neck pickup or the bridge+middle position. I noticed that you're using the Cyber Champ. That's a great amp. I used to use a CyberTwin for quite a while and I think that there are similar patches in this amp. Try using the patch called "Classic Stack" or something like that. It's a model of a Marshall. It sounds great with some delay (try the tape delay it's awesome on the Cyber amps) and it might get you very closer to his sound with your Strat.

Good luck with the tone quest, you learn a lot when you try to mimic someone else's sound.

-- Jim

October 28th, 2006, 05:30 PM
Good job Justa. That is a pretty cool sound.

October 29th, 2006, 12:48 AM
Nice one Justa.. very smooth!

October 29th, 2006, 04:07 AM
Hey Justa, I just started reading this thread today and there's a huge improvement right the way through from June to today, I can hear more confidence coming through in your playing. Excellent work on the Pink Floyd solo - keep it up!!

October 29th, 2006, 12:24 PM
Nice Justa! I could not get to the savefile files for some reason (good old error 404), but the MP3's were sweet. Different tones and styles each. Yes, it is inspiring for me to hear what you have accomplished and I played so long last night my ring finger hurts again. That hasn't happened in while so I hope it means I am improving too!
Thanks to u and all...

October 29th, 2006, 07:08 PM
Thanks guys, I am working at it.. need to fix the bends some more.. need to use a neck pickup..;) actually I tried both.. uploaded the bridge one.. I know not having a HiWatt , Big Muff or a Electric Mistress is going to keep me out of the ball park for awhile.. but then I got 40 more years to catch up to Gilmours hand tone anyways..lol..

Nice Justa! I could not get to the savefile files for some reason (good old error 404), but the MP3's were sweet. Different tones and styles each. Yes, it is inspiring for me to hear what you have accomplished and I played so long last night my ring finger hurts again. That hasn't happened in while so I hope it means I am improving too!
Thanks to u and all...

Thanks Hog... The savefile feature last 30 days.. then poof.. so error 404 expected..:)
This forum is probably over the top on being supportive... always feel safe uploading and learning here.. The one thing I have found out within this year is that players here are of different levels and all support and get along with the other.. very rare indeed... seems like the ego is left at the door and the love of music is all that enters here.. Oh, My fingers have hurt on a steady basis for the last year.. it's a pain I can deal with..heh.. wonder if they will ever quit hurting? :)

October 29th, 2006, 08:42 PM
Oh, My fingers have hurt on a steady basis for the last year.. it's a pain I can deal with..heh.. wonder if they will ever quit hurting? :)

No they will never quit hurting, but you will stop noticing when you become the note.;)

December 20th, 2006, 01:59 PM
I think the sound is still far far away.. probably my playing and settings.. Gilmour sounds so much more compressed and THICK.. my next two purchases will be a stand alone delay and the Electric Mistress.. then maybe the DynaComp.. I dunno.. I have a Crate PowerBlock comming and I really want to get all effects needed into stompboxes.. just to be able to make it sound the way I want in any amp or PA system.. I would love to get that deep thick sound he has.. or in the ball park anyways... time will tell... guess learning the songs note for note can't hurt either..heh.. someone take my hand and guide me...:)

Well since that post I added a DynaComp which really made a difference in sound... also, although not a Big Muff like David got..

Umm disregard..yuck..ack... couldntt ell one from the other..

Sure wish Delete your own message was still available...;)