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View Full Version : Anyone ever tried performing a refin job using spray paint?

June 19th, 2006, 11:49 AM
I'm about to try refinishing a body using nothing but spray paint and clear coat on an old beat up Squier body. Has anyone ever tried this before? I've heard some people say they got great results, but I'm pretty skeptical.

June 19th, 2006, 07:23 PM
Here's a how to site: http://www.paintyourownguitar.com/

There was a guy who builds/restores guitars (including some cool Saga Kits) at www.guitarattack.com . Go to "Builders Gallery," and click on the FrankenStrat picture. He does a very accurate EVH style strat copy using spray paint to good effect. This is a very informative site, with info about guitar setups, etc.

Hope this helps!:D

June 20th, 2006, 02:48 PM
I intend to try the Paint Your Own Guitar method some day. I've go the books. I know of people who have done it and it turns out quite nicely. You need some patience though since these paints can take quite a while to cure completely.

June 20th, 2006, 07:19 PM
Well I bought some Krylon spray paint for plastic and painted my Squier '51 body last night. So far so good! I'm applying another coat tonight and then will go for the clear coats. This is going to be a REAL basic attempt. Since the guitar was already sealed in plastic, I figured "what the hell" and went for it. So far my total cost is $8 from Wal*Mart. :)

June 23rd, 2006, 12:27 PM
Well I've exhausted the complete can of Krylon over the past few nights and I'm going to apply the clear coat tomorrow. I'll take pics of the work I've done so far tonight for you curious ones.

June 23rd, 2006, 01:35 PM
This is my SX SLP Jr.

I first removed the old poly finish with a razor blade--it was so thick it popped right off the finish. After stripping the wood filler, it lived for a while dressed in tung oil. Eventually I got tired of the oil finish, and was curious about finishing a guitar, so I went ahead, stripped it again, applied filler, and sprayed clear lacquer on it.

After curing, I sanded and polished it with a MicroMesh kit all the way to 12000 grit. Although it has a few blemishes, it looks kinda good.
