View Full Version : Dream: Interview for S. Windwood road crew..!

December 1st, 2008, 07:28 PM
Last night, I dreamt I was interviewing for a position with the (current) Stevie Windwood road crew, or more exactly the small group of folks that get on location the day before show date...

I knew I wasn't strong with phone work and such, but I was trying to say that I had other skills, like I knew the difference between a Special Bitter and a Stout, and could talk about it with the man himself...!

And that SW always goes on stage with the same brown sneaker-like shoes, his favorite...

I don't remember making the cut though.

For reference, I did see SW perform this spring in Boston, and it was great. The Hammond is still kicking butt! Of note was Brazilian guitar player José Neto, bringing a lot of color and music writing into the Windwood performances. Great drummer as well.

December 1st, 2008, 08:24 PM
Buy a pair of brown sneakers, practice your phone skills, and stop taking Ambien.:D