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View Full Version : 'Cadillac Records' - new Muddy Waters movie

December 1st, 2008, 08:37 PM
Here are some links re the upcoming film on Muddy Waters, Chess records and the early Chicago blues scene - sounds/looks interesting!




December 2nd, 2008, 12:07 PM
I just heard about this flick a few days ago. It was mentioned on NPR in conjunction with an interview with Etta James. Fascinating lady and very funny.

Beyonce is playing Etta James. At first I found that unsettling, but during the interview they played a clip of her covering "At Last". Pretty good! Not the constant warble and "turn it up to 11" style of all the pop divas. And Etta did have a over the top persona with the platinum hair and all, so maybe Beyonce can pull it off.

December 5th, 2008, 09:01 AM
Beyonce is playing Etta James. At first I found that unsettling, but during the interview they played a clip of her covering "At Last". Pretty good! Not the constant warble and "turn it up to 11" style of all the pop divas. And Etta did have a over the top persona with the platinum hair and all, so maybe Beyonce can pull it off.

I wasnt aware of the Muddy Waters connection, the movie does look interesting(even before knowing that). I really like Etta James, but the thought of Beyonce playing her:thwap:
I just find Beyonce "over the top" period...even her over acting, think "Foxy Cleopatra".
For a movie like this, Id like to forget who the actor is and sink myself into the story...I dunno if shes capable of doing that, but Im certain to find out.

Thanks for the Muddy Waters heads up! :AOK:

December 6th, 2008, 07:39 AM
I'm looking forward to seeing this.

December 10th, 2008, 01:21 PM
I wasnt aware of the Muddy Waters connection, the movie does look interesting(even before knowing that). I really like Etta James, but the thought of Beyonce playing her:thwap:
I just find Beyonce "over the top" period...even her over acting, think "Foxy Cleopatra".
For a movie like this, Id like to forget who the actor is and sink myself into the story...I dunno if shes capable of doing that, but Im certain to find out.

Thanks for the Muddy Waters heads up! :AOK:

I just saw this movie last night...and heres my review:

I take back everything I said about Beyonce...it did not apply to this movie(much to my surprise). She did a wonderful job as Etta...I totally forgot about Beyonce and focused on Etta, she was very convincing...even in her vocals, granted she is talented I just never figured her for Etta's caliber.

The movie though is less about Etta and more about Leonard Chess, one of the founders of Chess records.
It also about Muddy Waters and his relationship with Leo Chess, and Muddy's character is through out the movie...and the actor does a great job of portraying Muddy.
Other notables are Muddys harp player Little Walter.
Howlin Wolf...whom I wish they showed more about, as his character was very interesting.
Mos Def as Chuck Berry...great acting, his vocal was a lil off but still very convincing he was Chuck.
If Im forgetting any I apologize...
The movie was somewhat long, not to be confused with too long...as I really wish the story had been longer and hit on characters like Howlin Wolf a little more, with a lil more detail.
I cant say that its a happy story, but would still describe it as a "feel good movie" as I was laughing and smiling though out...not that it was a funny/happy movie, but if you knew anything about the artists you really couldnt help but laugh and chuckle or even smile as the story went on.

I highly recommend this movie to anybody, but I think if you are a blues fan you will come away from this with more than if you werent.

Ive been familiar with Chess records over the past few years, Marshall Chess does a show on Sirius Blues (74) and he tells many stories of his childhood, the studio, his father and the artists that were considered "family" to him...its a great show. But today I got to work and decided to look up Chess Records on Wiki to learn more...
...and to my surprise, there is another movie about Chess that came out this month too! The other movie is about Phillip Chess, Leonard's brother and co-founder...and according to IMDB it came out Dec. 5th and is called "Who Do You Love"...Im definitely gonna have to find this(if its not gone already).

For those that are interested in Cadillac Records and seeing it at the theater...youd better go now, it wont likely be around for very long, and its not like its play at a lot of theaters.

Lastly...back to Beyonce...as the movie was ending, I said to myself, "Self, you were wrong about Beyonce...she did a great job, that wasnt over the top at all like youd expected..." and as I was saying this to mahself, the credits rolled....and I'll be damned, she did it! The closing song is one of hers and it aint blues...its her modern dance crap!(so out of place) WTF? Over!:thwap:

December 10th, 2008, 08:09 PM
ShortBus - thanks for the review - sounds good!

December 11th, 2008, 04:33 PM
Just caught the matinee. Very enjoyable film. Not a factual telling of the Chess Records tale, but still very entertaining. The music was a bit slicked up, not quite as raw as the original recordings, but still captured the sound of the era.

I agree with pretty much everything Shortbus said. Beyonce was quite good and the actor doing the Muddy Waters role was terrific. The actors who played the Willie Dixon, Howlin Wolf, Chuck Berry roles also did a good job. I thought the Little Walter character was very compelling.