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View Full Version : Hello in Guitarland I am new to this site

June 20th, 2006, 04:18 PM
Hello I am new here and love to talk about music and guitars and hope to learn from all of on this space. I have been playing for about 15 years and look forward to hearing about experiences about playing and things like that. I only have a few questions to start: 1. Are there any Ibanez fans out there?? and # 2. Of all of us who have tried and or failed, is there someone who can help me figure out how rout and drill without cracking the body of my guitar. I am trying to go from the classic single, single double to double single double. Any help would be cool, and if anyone knows how to custom paint that would be cool to. Thanks::R

June 20th, 2006, 05:06 PM
IF_36, welcome! I think you're going to like it around here. Sounds like you want to do some modifications of the type that scare me. :eek: No reason for that to stop you, though. There's a very recent thread (today?) talking about painting with spray cans. If you're wanting something a little more involved, I'm sure someone else can help. Good luck! Looking forward to hearing more from you. What other gear do you have?

June 20th, 2006, 05:43 PM
Welcome I Freak.

I am too (an I freak). I have plenty of them (Ibanezezzes). I live close to the importer for the Western USA and usually find something yummy at their warehouse from time to time. All the guys around here think I just have Strats. Shhh. Don't tell them, but I have a nice arsenal of Ibanez guitars too.

As for routing single to hum...What model of axe is it? Does it have a pickguard? Do you have to rout it or would you settle for one of the many single coil sized humbuckers available?
If it's a nice model I wouldn't rout it. The value will vanish. If it's a GIO then just get one of the single coil sized humbuckers.

June 20th, 2006, 05:48 PM
Actually Spudman has an arsenal of a lot of gear! Pedals, amps, and who knows what.

Welcome IFreak, but I don't have any Ibanezes right now, I had a JEM 777 once! Cool guitar, shoulda kept it.

June 21st, 2006, 03:59 AM
Welcome #36. I glad you found this site and joined. This is the place to be.

June 21st, 2006, 05:54 AM
Hey all thanks for the instant welcome, I know this is the site for me. I will post alot of questions too, thanks again

June 21st, 2006, 09:08 AM
As long as an instrument has 6 or 12 strings I love it no matter what the make or model! A name is nothing more than a name... 'different strokes for different folks' is a motto I live by.

I used to be a Ibanez fan until I rediscovered Fenders. I think Ibanez guitars are great bang for the buck, but the body shape is just uncomfortable for me and the necks are too thin with my carpel tunnel. Bring on the baseball bats I say! :)

June 21st, 2006, 09:55 AM

From where I come from Ibanez are "THE THING!" very versatile guitars... not my style though, Im kinda retro when its time to choose my gear... I think they`re great bangs for the buck too!

June 21st, 2006, 07:12 PM
Welcome, IF-36! My RG was my first "pro level" instrument. To this day, 14 years or so later, it still feels like as comfortable to play as the day I picked it up (when it's working right).

June 22nd, 2006, 02:27 AM
Welcome Ibanez Freak.. I had a Ibanez lawsuit LP copy once, it was really good..

June 22nd, 2006, 07:21 AM
Welcome! This is a nice, relaxed place to be--you'll dig it. :D