View Full Version : Behringer GMX210??

December 14th, 2008, 08:04 PM
I was looking around for a good home amp....one that wouldn't blow the windows out late at night. I wanted something tube like, but very simple in design.

I started looking at a bunch of YouTube clips and saw some of the Behringer amps, so I just ordered a Behringer GMX210 (60 watts). The tones sounded pretty good for just a home jamming amp.

They tend to get good reviews in terms of tones, but the knocks on these amps are primarily cheap input jacks that break (I remember the AD**VT series getting this rap too) and also that the knobs are flimsy and can easily break. The amp won't leave the house so I'm not concerned about the knobs getting broken, and with all my amps, when I plug in, I always loop the cord around the handle anyway so that it's not stressing the input jack.

Any thoughts on these amps in terms of how they stack up as an amp just to noodle around with at home??? For the price they go for, it seemed like a decent gamble,

December 17th, 2008, 07:14 PM
Update: I picked up a Behringer GMX 210 as a "late night" amp...it seemed to be ideal as the wattage is 2x30 watts (stereo) and it was pretty inexpensive.

Here are my initial impressions about the amp: I haven't decided yet if I'm going to return the amp or give it to my nephew who is learning guitar.

Summary: I am not impressed at all.:puke:

December 17th, 2008, 11:02 PM
The Behringer Tech21 knockoffs (with the exception of the Bass DI copy) all get bad reports against the "US originals" The amp you bought is effectively two Trademark 30s in stereo with a DSP thrown in. What's wrong with the attenuator on your AD50VT for "quieter moments"? I was quite pleased with mine with the inevitable dose of the Fletcher-Munsons taken as read, of course.