View Full Version : The Black Keys

December 15th, 2008, 08:05 PM
Maybe you guys have heard them before,so cool loose ranuch rockin'blues boogie types that hail from Ohio.Sumi:D
the url isnt working that I posted well if ya wanta ckeck it out its the black keys a good tune is I got mine.I'll learn to post those youtube boxes sooner or later.

just strum
December 15th, 2008, 08:15 PM


December 15th, 2008, 08:24 PM
Thanks Strum.Sumi:D

December 15th, 2008, 09:45 PM
I love those guys, been into them for a little while. They are the band that prompted me to start trying to build fuzz pedals and learn to finger pick blues on an electric a couple of years ago.

Their first few albums were awesome and I was raving about them to everyone. Magic Potion and Rubber Factory were my fav's followed by The Big Come Up. Chulahoma is also really cool (covers of Jnr Kimbrough songs).
I haven't tracked down a copy of Thickfreakness so I dunno if thats any good. I got their latest album, Attack and Release, cool name, but for some reason I can't put my finger on, it just feels a bit watered down or something. It doesn't convey to me the lo-fi dirty vibe I got from all the others.

I missed them last time they were here, but they played a pretty large venue and I think they'd be best enjoyed in a small intimate venue so I'm hoping for another tour :)

December 15th, 2008, 09:46 PM
They're one of the best bands out there right now.

For all the hype about the White Stripes this band is SO MUCH better. It's an easy comparison because both bands are guitar/drums duos who are heavily rooted in the blues. For starters, Dan Auerbach's voice sounds much more authentic than Jack White's. Musically, they are a lot tighter and come off a lot more genuine than the White Stripes do.

I have all of their albums (as well as a live show or two) and they are all excellent, but their most recent album "Attack and Release" is probably my pick for best album of 2008. It's a great album from top to bottom and contains two tracks with Marc Ribot as a guest guitarist.

Coincidentally, both members of The Black Keys have relatives that played with Tom Waits. Auerbach is a cousin of Robert Quine, who played on Waits' "Rain Dogs" album, while Patrick Carney is the nephew of Ralph Carney who is a multi-instrumentalist who worked with Tom for years. Now, I am waiting for The BK's to collaborate with Tom. That would be quite cool.

December 15th, 2008, 09:51 PM
Yea I love that raunch and I'd like to see 'em in a small setting.That's how I saw BB King in a small place in a beach city in Calif. about 16 yrs. ago it was great about 100 people or so.Sumi:D

December 15th, 2008, 10:03 PM
For all the hype about the White Stripes this band is SO MUCH better. It's an easy comparison because both bands are guitar/drums duos who are heavily rooted in the blues.

There's also the piano thing. Black Keys, White Stripes. Some doofus tried to tell me once that the two bands where in fact the same people and the names were intentionally similar and represented a piano keyboard. All untrue.


I'm no huge White Stripes fan, but their live cover of Jolene is awesome. I've had more than a few weird looks from other people as I sing along to "I'm begging of you please don't take my man!" as I drive around.

December 15th, 2008, 10:10 PM
Yes, there is the piano thing, but of course, it shows even more which band is much more rooted in the blues because you can play the pentatonic scale with the black keys. :)

I'm no fan of the White Stripes at all. To me, Jack comes off more as an imitator of his influences than an authentic player. I hate to keep using the same word, but Auerbach just comes off as much more authentic. He's the anti-Jack White.

December 15th, 2008, 10:53 PM
Yes, there is the piano thing, but of course, it shows even more which band is much more rooted in the blues because you can play the pentatonic scale with the black keys. :)

I'm no fan of the White Stripes at all. To me, Jack comes off more as an imitator of his influences than an authentic player. I hate to keep using the same word, but Auerbach just comes off as much more authentic. He's the anti-Jack White.

Wow, I just learned something cool!!!! Thanks for mentioning that thing about the Pentatonic scale :)

Oh and I agree with you. Even with regard to their image. TBK strike me as two guys who are doing what they love and expect people to just take it or leave it. (like for example, whats up with that lumberjack beard he has from time to time, definitely no teen indie heartthrob vibe goin on there). Whereas TWS have a very carefully constructed image designed to appeal specifically to a certain subculture.

Rock first, image second. Thats how I roll :rockon: :rockon:

Also I don't think either of TBK have been in a sex tape scandal.............

December 15th, 2008, 11:59 PM
Maybe I am getting too old to get it (I doubt it as I am only 24) BUT there is something very confusing about this rock duo setup that seems to have taken the kids. Like the White Stripes, the Black Keys play stripped down songs for nearly enthusiastic audiences who almost dance sometimes.

I'm all about so called 'indie' music but to me, the Black Keys are simply just rocking out aimlessly. I've seen similar performances in garages on weekend nights in my college town The Black Keys lack the heart, rhythm, and most importantly the subtlety and finesse of a blues Man. They lack the Stripes sheer technical ability, structured songs, and overall cutesyness which really doesn't matter.
To me they fall short and come off as chaotic in an unexciting way.

But like I said, maybe I just don't get it. I never cared for the White Stripes either.

December 16th, 2008, 04:10 AM
I hate to sound negative, but it all seems like a bit of a rehash of Jon Spencer Blues Explosion.
These guys aren’t too bad though.


just strum
December 16th, 2008, 06:31 AM
All music is rehash, it's the part of you that makes it different enough to generate new interests.

December 16th, 2008, 07:15 AM
I like the quote from the Ninja Tune label (which specializes in DJ music): "Refried, not rehashed".

December 16th, 2008, 01:36 PM
Never heard of these guys.

Listened to the two clips and the second one brought back a blurred memory connection to a band called Blue Cheer. I think they were a trio from the sixties. Going to have to google them now.


December 16th, 2008, 02:33 PM
I obviously don't get it

to me ,they all sound like a typical startup garage band in search of a bass player.
untill these band came along I never imagined it was possiblefor a 2pc band could play out of key.

how they win all these awards and praise is mind boggling. are we back in the stone age?:thwap:

December 16th, 2008, 04:00 PM
I like em because my daughter said dad you can play better than them,so it gives me hope.Sumi:D