View Full Version : Where Do You Do Your Mods

just strum
December 21st, 2008, 05:08 PM
We've talked about music rooms, but I couldn't find any thing about a set up for a work area to do mods (ok, I didn't really look).

So, do any of you have a special set up to do mods or is it the same place you do all of the other household repairs?

I'm thinking of setting it up so I can use the desk where I am sitting now for future mods. Maybe a non-skid pad to go over a section of the desk, a drawer with tools, I already have some good lighting.

Anyone have any elaborate laboratories where you make your electronic Frankenstein's?

December 21st, 2008, 05:19 PM
I'm lucky enough to have a large room in the basement to work on amps, pedals, guitars, etc.

I think I've posted these before, but here goes again:


Mrs. Tung likes it because when I shut the door, she doesn't have to look at all my junk. :rotflmao:


We've talked about music rooms, but I couldn't find any thing about a set up for a work area to do mods (ok, I didn't really look).

So, do any of you have a special set up to do mods or is it the same place you do all of the other household repairs?

I'm thinking of setting it up so I can use the desk where I am sitting now for future mods. Maybe a non-skid pad to go over a section of the desk, a drawer with tools, I already have some good lighting.

Anyone have any elaborate laboratories where you make your electronic Frankenstein's?

just strum
December 21st, 2008, 05:26 PM
Is that where you play and work?

December 21st, 2008, 05:33 PM
Is that where you play and work?

For now. The last pic is my testing center. After I build an amp and make sure that it is working right, I take it over there and run it through the ringer to see how it sounds cranked.

I'm trying to set up a practice room in the next room, but I need to clear some old furniture out of it first and set up a book case for all my instructional materials.


December 21st, 2008, 08:58 PM
I've got a small work bench set up in my music room (the "Man Cave"). It's a regular formica counter top mounted on top of two columns of drawers where I keep my mod tools, so it looks good enough that it doesn't run afoul of the decorum police (Mrs. Bloozcat). I'd post a picture of it but I'm too lazy right now to go take a picture, load it to Photobucket, and post it here at 10:00pm. Maybe tomorrow night if I think of it early enough...:)

December 22nd, 2008, 05:39 AM
I don't have a specific place designated to do mods, I don't do that many anyway. For general restringing, intonating, neck adjusts, I usually use the music room or front room.
Also, if I do tear something apart, I always try and have all the parts on hand to see it gets put back together the same day.
If I don't think I can do that, I postpone it or take it to someone who can.