• Freeze!

    The Freeze Sound Retainer delivers infinite sustain of any note or chord at the press of a momentary footswitch. Release the footswitch and you are again sample ready. Three selectable decay rates, including a latch mode, guarantee liquid, smooth tonal transitions. Hook the Freeze up with your favorite pedals for a sonic collage that will be unlike anything you have ever heard. It’s like adding an extra musician to the band.

    This can be a very handy tool to have around when practicing scales over different chords. Just play a chord and capture it with the pedal, and then work on your scales and arpeggios!

    -> Buy the Electro-Harmonix Freeze from Musician's friend

    I think I will have to buy one of these!

    Comments 5 Comments
    1. Spudman's Avatar
      Spudman*** -
      I like that. It could be very useful. Thanks for the heads up.
    1. Tig's Avatar
      Tig*** -
      That is cool.
    1. Robert's Avatar
      Robert**** -
      I started experimenting today with using the M9 looper to create a "pedal chord" like that, and it sort of works. However, it's very hard to not make it apparent when the loop starts over... I find by using a volume pedal (heel to toe) after you hit the record button, and then again the volume pedal (toe to heel) just before you end the loop, then you can get a chord repeating forever, without the "clunk" effect every time the loop starts.

      Would be SO much easier with this Freeze pedal though!
    1. cebreez's Avatar
      cebreez -
      I had seen that pedal around but never knew what it was for. Thanks for the video! Thats a really cool pedal!
    1. guitartango's Avatar
      guitartango -
      Great tone and song...shine on
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