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    Chord options


    It's always fun to try to find interesting chord options for basic progressions. Here's some for 1-6-2-5 progression in D major. These

    mikko.karhula May 10th, 2024, 11:39 PM Go to last post

    Turn around with double stops


    I tend to forget to use double stops in different playing situations. Here's one simple example of double stops.


    mikko.karhula May 7th, 2024, 07:57 AM Go to last post
  • Don't take a Selfie with Peter Frampton

    Peter Frampton doesn't need security to enforce his no flash photography or videotaping during shows policy. He is capable of handling it himself, as he proved earlier this week during a concert at the Palladium in Carmel, Indiana.

    A couple who reportedly arrived late to the event, missing the pre-show announcement forbidding flash photography and videotaping, upset the legendary rocker as they repeatedly broke the house rules, even after being asked to stop, OnStage Magazine reports.

    According to OnStage, Frampton not only gestured for the couple to stop, he also objected to the male in the party taking a selfie as he played in the background. "The male from the front row was even stupid enough to back up to the stage and get the girl to take a 'selfie' of him with Peter," OnStage reports. "Peter quickly turned around and turned his back to the audience and played that way for several moments." But still, the offenders did not get the message.

    As the behavior continued, Frampton eventually smiled and gestured for the male to approach the stage, according to the report. When the concertgoer obliged, Frampton leaned over and asked, "Hey can I see that? Can I see the photos you've been taking?" OnStage reports. "The guy hands him his phone and Peter stands up, spins, and flings for the rafters. Yes! The phone went flying to the back of the stage and we all erupted in cheers! With years of experience playing guitar, we just knew he had a great arm."

    Frampton expressed his frustration with the ordeal on Tuesday in a post on his Facebook page. "For those of you from the Carmel, IN (Kah-mull) show who are still scratching your heads as to why I would relieve someone, in the front row of their phone/camera …. Please read the review below," he said in a post that linked to a Word Press blog review of the concert.

    "Many thanks to the eyewitnesses who came forward to explain how annoying, 'Team Distraction' actually were. And not just to me but everyone [around] them," he wrote.
    Comments 7 Comments
    1. sixstringdrug's Avatar
      sixstringdrug -
      Excellent.......well done Peter!!
    1. Spudman's Avatar
      Spudman*** -
    1. Tig's Avatar
      Tig*** -
      All accounts I've read of people that have met Peter say he is extremely nice. You'd have to be a major a-hole to get a guy like him this angry.
      Bravo, Peter!
    1. Jipes's Avatar
      Jipes*** -
      Well well I don't know whether I support this type of attitude not to excuse the stupidity of this guy in the audience but destroying someone else property is not what I would call a "smart" move. I'm sure the security guys should have rather taken this guy out of the Hall and leave Peter to what does the best playing his music
    1. poodlesrule's Avatar
      poodlesrule -
      How about a slightly revised no photography rule:

      Photo-video allowed during two songs ONLY, then back to the regular no rule.

      [old-fart mode] As someone in the audience, I certainly would enjoy some control over the visual clutter that phones popping here and there generate...
    1. Robert's Avatar
      Robert**** -
      Flash photography can be extremely annoying for performers. Perhaps a good idea is to kick out anyone who does it, but then you may need a lot of enforces too! Sign of the times I guess... Or they could have flood lights aimed at the audience! Haha
    1. jtees4's Avatar
      jtees4 -
      Every time someone takes a flash photo the performer should stop playing and glare at them. The entire audience would certainly join in and any no0rmal person would realize their mistake and not repeat it.
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