Yamaha shredder to hardtail dee-construction
, January 24th, 2012 at 10:18 AM (36696 Views)
I got bored with the Floyd on my Yamaha...and the guitar needs a complete work-over anyway...so I ordered a Gibson-style wraparound-bridge and I'll do the Davette thing on the axe...rip out the Floyd, carve a large opening in its place and glue in a big block of new wood...plane it nice and install a fixed bridge. Sand down and slightly V-shapify the neck, re-shape the headstock, sand and re-finish the entire body. Actually cover the front entirely with aluminum.
Heres' what happens:
Here's some progress info:
Got everything taken apart, drew outlines to the aluminum sheet & got the router sorted...so all that remains now is to start working! I'll first have to route the cavity for the wood block (in the picture; I'll make it smaller first tho) and then glue it in and await a day or two...then saw and shape the aluminum & glue that on and again wait a few days...and meanwhile need to go over the neck. Already gave it a slight fret job and cleansed and oiled the fretboard nice. Next ripping off the lacquer and reshaping it gently.