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The 40-Year-Old Music Virgin

Day 121b: <Tangent> Top 10 guitar terms that sound filthy to the uninitiated...

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#10... hammer-ons & pull-offs

#9... bending above the nut

#8... headstock

#7... bolt-on

#6... buckle rash

#5... hot pickups

#4... bone nut

#3... single coil

#2... brown sound

#1... humbucker!

Honourable mentions: G-string, F-hole and speed knobs.

Feel free to add more in the comments section.



  1. davewrites's Avatar
    For reasons that should be self-explanatory, more honourable mentions for pedal-related jargon like Big Muff, Big Muff Pi, tube screamer and wet chorus.
  2. mrmudcat's Avatar
    way huge swollen pickle ....gotta love that one or way huge echo puss..............
  3. davewrites's Avatar
    Yeah, I was cruising a pedal 'n' effects page and found dozens of great examples, many from Way Huge.

    Ultimately, I pitched the pedals as honourable mentions for 2 reasons: (1) they're not guitar parts or techniques, they're accessories and (2) unlike the top-10 list, pedal names are deliberate innuendoes. I was shooting for accidental humour when jargon loses context.

    Imagine if you were talking about guitars in a public place and someone overheard you say "firmly plucking my G-string" or "a warm brown sound from my single coils."