And what's this? ZERO activity on the Gibson section of the form since . . . *gasp* . . . MAY 30TH? My six-string brothers, that's over a MONTH! Such a travesty. Seems to me that this happened a little while back on the Stratocaster section of the forum, and it was Nelskie's Guitar 911 that responded to this rock n' roll emergency. As happy as I am to see folks posting pictures, and enjoying discussion about fantastic Fender guitars, I'm once again completely amazed of the need to once again resuscitate a most-important thread.

Many a guitar legend have called upon this slab of six-stinged perfection to create some of the most amazing music ever created. Clapton. Page. Bloomfield. Green. Townshend. Allmann. Kossof. Zappa. Moore. Rossington. Collins. Perry. Schon. The Reverend. Frehley. Frampton. Knopfler. Sholz. Slash. Wylde. These are but a few players who have made their mark with a trusty Les Paul slung over their shoulder.

Myself, I was fortunate to have crossed path with an Epiphone sunburst model Les Paul way back in 1990. Sixteen years later, when I need to bring the mojo, there's only one guitar I reach for - my Epi Les Paul.

I've owned lots of guitars in the (23) years I've been playing. But I can honestly say that there is only one instrument that made me feel like a real, honest-to-goodness rock star - my Les Paul. Fretters, THIS guitar is what rock n' roll is all about! Bad-a$$, in-your-face, let's-get-it-on rock n' roll!

How about it, fellow Lesmeisters? You got game? Let's see / hear about it!