Hey fretters , anyone know of a good beginner site for absolute beginners , i am going to teach my neice who's 10 her first chords , and hopefully get her started .. i was thinking of using some printouts of the basic chord diagrams and putting together a couple simple tunes ,, maybe greenday time of your life or something easy and slow paced .. anybody done this type of thing lately ... by the way i still remember my first teacher and the the first chords and song ... Frank Quinlan it was sometime after Christmas in 1967 i was 9 and had a ags acoustic with strings like barbed wire and action like a veg slicer , Frank was seeing one of my sisters and was a local musican in a popular local band ... he showed me how to play ,,House Of The Rising Sun , and wrote down the chord diagrams for me , i'll never forget it .. later in my late teens i actually played with him for an evening at a gig .. sorry for the nostalgic rant but it all just came back ... anyhooo any help would be appreciated especially since i have volunteered to do this this evening ...cheers 6S9L