Not all of his stuff is good. IMHO, a lot of it is crap. I can't recommend anything that he has done in the last 5 or 6 years. I've stopped buying his solo albums because of this. Most of his more recent stuff sounds rehashed, with almost no effort put into it. I wish he would drop the freakshow shtick, woodshed for a couple of years and come out with some mind blowing material. But he seems content to release the same solo crap over and over, at least for the last few years.

His best stuff, besides the aforementioned GR NTT was done with Praxis: Transmutation, Metatron, Sacrifist, Warsawa, Transmutation Live and Tennessee 2004. There is a new one available only as a Japanese import, but I haven't heard it yet.

More good stuff is Shin Terai and an acoustic shred album with with Jonas Hellborg and Michael Shrieve, Octave of the Holy Innocents. Another good one is Zillatron: Lord of the Harvest with Bootsy Collins. Monsters and Robots is pretty good, too.

He's done some side projects that are good, but with a lot of rough spots namely Cobra Strike, Day of the Robot, Bucketheadland, and Bucketheadland II and Arcana's Arc of Testimony.

Then there is the whole Death Cube K series which are ambient. DCK is an anagram of buckethead.

At last count, I have about 40 of his CDs.

As far as toe tapping music, you're not going to find that in Buckethead's music.


Quote Originally Posted by just strum
Don't get me wrong, I see or should I say hear the talent. I've seen some stuff of his that certainly impresses me, as I have seen some that make me yawn. The bucket, mask, and whatever I can deal with (I grew up with Bowie, Alice Cooper, and some others). You are right, Buckethead isn't my cup of tea, but I do find him interesting. However, I will have to honestly say that I never caught myself tapping my foot to his music