Recently I inherited a Fender Strat from my fiance's DAD. Its pretty much brand new. He had it for several months and I know it was taken care of very well. However recently I've been noticing some pretty annoying buzzing on the open B, G, and D strings. Its not overwhelming however its def noticeable. I'm pretty sure it is nothing like accidental contact with the frets b/c I went through each fret and the only time there was buzzing was when they were open. *Note: the buzzing occurs with and without an amp so I know its not an amp issue.

To me it sounds like its coming from the bridge/saddle... Awhile ago my friend was trying to explain the importance of tuning the bridge screws (if that is the proper name) but I'm not sure of the correct way to do that. Could an incorrectly tuned saddle cause buzzing? If so they how should I go about adjusting them. If not what other possible issues could cause this? Thanks.