Howdy all. Thought I'd do up a quick demo of my handbuilt AmpTramp BF/Plexi (a.k.a - 'Woody'). So let me go into details about the recording setup, amp and guitar. The amp itself is a 10 watts, class A, 1 - El34 driven(Mullard reissue) with 3-12ax7's(Electro-Harmonix), 12" Weber 1265F (Vintage 30). It has two channels, one is like a blackfaced preamp, the other is like a plexi preamp. each has it's own EQ, preamp volume and master volume. For the guitar I used my SX Mahogany Les Paul copy. This guitar was upgraded with the following. Full out RS Guitarworks Historic LP electronics kit, pots, wire, switch, jack, caps etc. The pickups are Duncan Pearly Gates, covered with aged Nickle covers. I put on a TonePros bridge and an RS lightweight tailpiece, and aged RS knobs. Most of these parts were taken off an old LP Standard I used to own. The guitar is strung with EB Regular Slinky's (10-46's). I did have a EH Holy Grail reverb on the whole time. Miced up the amp close with an SM57 just offset, into a Tascam US-122 interface into my laptop on Adobe Audition 1.5.

Ok I start on the BF channel and start on the bridge pickup. After a while I kick over to the plexi channel on the bridge pup again. You'll hear the middle and neck positions used all through the clip. At the 3 minute mark I kicked on an Analog Man Beano Boost (treble booster). Enjoy. The clip is about 4:30 long or so. Excuse my noodling and clams! LOL!

Here's a shot of the guitar and amp!
