First off, I work construction and only come home on the weekends. So to all the new members I've failed to welcome...WELCOME! Sorry I don't keep up with the new posts too well. I'm also quite computer challenged and can't always post clips as I'd like to, but I'm working on that. Got home tonight and read Justa's post on his loss. Broke my heart.
This is the best site I've seen for guitar lovers. From beginner to pro, everyone here is supportive, understanding, and has a wonderful LACK of ego.
Music, to me, is a language. One everyone understands. When you play an Am, Cmaj7th, etc., the person listerning immediately gets it.
Whether you live in Canada,Brasil, Puerto Rico,Sweden, etc., makes no difference. Whether you speak English, Spanish, Chinese, makes no difference.Thank you, Robert, for Thank you, members, for the chance to get to know all of you. I'm not even sure what an "avatar" is, but I'll work on that. One thing I do know is when so many support each other as they do on thefret, good things are gonna happen.
Sorry to be so long-winded, as they say in the midwest.
Peace and love, and may you always be in tune.
Glenn Hughes