I can't afford it (really) and my wife will kill me if I get it BUT.........
My local Fender dealer has a Fender Japan manufactured pink paisley telecaster (the reissue )
I've always wanted a paisley and this is the first time I've seen one for sale locally.
The salesman (here we go) claims that as far as he's concerned the Japanese production Telecasters right now are HEAD and SHOULDERS ABOVE anything Fender is putting out from their North American plants.
Since this guitar is going for $900 and the American Standard right across the room's price tag said $1799 I'm pretty skeptical about that claim.
Since I really can't afford it I'm probably not going to buy it but I'm curious
what does everyone else think about that guys statement that Fender Japan's guitars are better than their American made guitars?
He likes them so much that the store had 2 of the paisleys shipped to them and he bought one of them.
Thoughts or comments anybody?