right, this is a little information for anyone wondering if theyre playing the right guitar, if theyre playing the right guitar for their genre or just generally want to know a few decent guitars.

your guitar should fit comfortably in your hands, and the neck should be comfortable. Depending on your style of playing, you should look for an electric guitar with enough upper fret access for you i.e. if you play alot of metal, you probably want 24 frets that you can get to easily.

right then, there will be others that i dont mention, but im only human =]

Guitars For Metal
Ibanez RG Series
Ibanez S Series
ESP F series
ESP signature series
ESP LTDs (most of them)
Dean Razorbacks (dimebags)
Dean MLs
Dean Zs
Jackson RR (randy rhoads) flying Vs
Jackson warriors
Gibson les pauls especially when fitted with EMGs or active pups)
BC Rich warbeasts, warlocks and wartribe.

Guitars For Rock
Fender strats
Squire strats and teles
fender teles
fender jags
ibanez ART
Epi les pauls
Epi SGs
gibson les pauls
gibson SGs

need some BLUES?
Fender Strats USA
fender strats Mexican
Squier Teles/strats
Fender teles
Fender jags
Gibson 335s
gibson les pauls
epiphone dot
ibanez semi-hollowbody models

right. that should give any beginners a few ideas to look around on genre wise. Now, what about perosnal preferences?

if you have big hands, you might want a thick neck, alot of les pauls and les paul remakes have fairly thick necks, also there are a few PRS guitars with faily thick necks. Alot of acoustic guitars are thick in the neck, but im clueless with acoustics thats why im trying to stick to electric here.

Left handers can have a few problems finding guitars. i am left handed but i play righty because i always found it easier, plus loads mroe guitar models to choose from.

most epiphones come in left handed models
ESP F series come in lefty i believe
Squire strats, teles jagmasters etc.
BC Richs
Jacksons (i think )

some people prefere heavier guitars, some prefere featherweights..here 2 lists to show a few examples...

gibson/epiphone les pauls
washburn W200PRO-Es
many PRS
Dean soltero

Fender strats and teles
squier strats and teles
ibanez RGs and S Series models

i hope this helps any beginners wondering if their guitar is right for their preferences etc. or if your just looking for a guitar that suits your preferences

later fretters :