• 62-66 USAF Weapons Control System Tech - worked on F-101B/Fs
  • 66-72 Computer Systems Tech for Control Data Corporation
    Worked on many different systems, specialized in exotic gear
    such as high-speed drums, and computer communication equipment
  • 72-00 Computer Software Engineer for New York University
    Worked on many different types of computer communication equipment
    and systems, including custom hardware interfaces
    Worked on very early time-sharing systems
    Worked on ARPAnet and the follow on IP/TCP projects (which became the Internet)
    Worked on Internet-2, a really high-speed version of the internet
  • Retired, then helped to start a new Computer/Network Management Company
  • 00-06 Network and Software Engineer for IP-Soft
    Retired for good

Now I'm just a retired, lazy hippie bum who's re-learning the guitar!

I used to tell folks that I was a specialist in getting folks to communicate using computers - networks weren't known about by the general public : People would say - who would want to do that
