Review..what would a newbie think?
Here's a line from an amph review in this month's issue of a guitar magazine.
"'s not a creamy or liquid tone....we're talking greasy, swarthy, high cholesterol gain, dripping with juicy overtones."
I'm all for desciptive adjectives and adverbs when descibing helpful would it be for a beginner looking for a new amplifier?
I see creamy, liquid, greasy, dripping, and juicy in one sentence and have no idea what sound this review is trying to descibe, or if he's even talking about an amph, a bad restaraunt, or an adult film!
Wilburn Versatare, '52 FrankenTele(Fender licensed parts), Fender USA Roadhouse Strat, Fender USA Standard B-bender Telecaster, Agile AL 3000 w/ WCR pickups, Ibanez MIJ V300 Acoustic, Squier Precision Bass,
Ceriatone Overtone Special, Musicman 212 Sixty-Five, Fender Blues Jr., Peavey Classic 30, Fender Super Reverb, Traynor YCV-40 WR Anniversary w/ matching 1x12 ext. cab, Epiphone SoCal 50w head w/ matching 4x12 cab (Lady Luck speakers), Avatar 2x12 semi-open back cab w/ Celestion speakers
Digitech Bad Monkey, Digitech Jamman, DVM's ZYS, Goodrich volume pedal