Quote Originally Posted by Robert
I was thinking the other idea about easy video lessons to create. Would short licks in the style of certain popular players be a good idea? I have already done BB King, Albert King and Freddie King style lessons, but I could expand this idea of course. Perhaps different music styles such as rock, jazz, country, etc and feature licks in the style of famous players in that genre.

What do you think? By the way, it is "safest" to do licks in the style of a player, instead of copying a lot of notes exactly, for copyright reasons. Some owners of copyrighted artists hit down hard on people who provide lessons online. If the lessons aren't exactly note for note as the original source, the coast is clear.

If you like this idea, feel free to suggest artist in this thread!
As you mentionned beware of the copyright issue lots of Youtube account have been suspended for that reason unfortunately

The style of Robert Cray is very interesting specially the construction of the songs with the extended chord vocabulary he used in his songs. Another fantastic player and quite underrated is Jimmie Vaughan specially the way he used the capo to drive his shuffle thins and the great and tight rythmic comping