I mentioned earlier my GAS was lacking, but then someone mentioned monitors, and I took that bait right away. Of course I needed monitors - I have been using headphones only for too long.

It so happened the the local music store just got in some inexpensive small studio monitors. Eden E3 they are called. Really cheap too, just over hundred CDN bucks. I just plugged them in now as I am typing this, and I'm listening to Brent Mason and wow! What an improvement!

I am not an expert on monitors but I think this is a great buy for this price. They are really small, but plenty loud for what I do. The sound is very clear and flat - not an emphasized bass frequency - which I like for mixing and just listening to music. I can really hear the reverbs and subtle sounds in the recordings, and remember, I have a serious hearing loss already.

I might hook them up to the TV one day too, to see how that will sound. Our TV speakers are pretty crappy. For this purpose, it is likely better with monitors that have a strong bass.

I am happy with this purchase! A LOT for the money, I gotta say! My music collection on my computer never sounded this good before at home!

See details about the speakers at http://www.eden-electronics.com/prod...ors/index.asp#

They are on sale right now on their website for 70 bucks.

The E5 is the bigger brother.