Quote Originally Posted by bigG
Here's a video review of a Bugera half-stack from GW. Go abt 1/2 way down the page for the video review. Includes demo and some history of the Bugera story:


(Of note: guitar is an Epi LP Slash Sig / Go to The Bottom Line of text review for interesting summation of Bugera)

That review looks good, G.
If they are built gigworthy and can hang w/ the big names, maybe worth consideration. I'll reserve judgement 'till I can hear/play some.
Most reviews I've seen by any guitar mag online are usually positive. They're seldom critical of the shortcomings the buying public finds once full scale production is underway. That could be that the reviewers are given a tested and true piece to try out, or they don't want to step on advertiser's toes and lose the revenue. Sometimes I'll check the harmony central reviews, or elsewhere, just to see what the people who paid money for gear think.