I don't know if they make anything like that shape these days. Mind you, the shape is not quite consistently that throughout the neck, I shaped it by hand and it changes to more of a U on the davette as you get up the neck and C on the strat.

I got into it almost by accident, I wanted to try and make a neck profile like that and bought that old Charvette for a hundred, just with the idea of destroying the neck basically by shaping it myself. Turned out the best guitar ever, and I also got the strat done the same way. And soon I will do it to the Fying-V as well.

It sure was worth trying...the thumb position is the key. Playing licks it feels like an ultra-thin neck, but when chording you still get the hand support. The bad side is, these days when I play a lot of barres on a normal type neck, my hand tires easily, as it's used to them being very light to play.