Was ready to walk out with a Strat today, hoping our best little guitar store still had the very sweet looking/feeling/playing/sounding CV I checked out last month. Alas, they had another which didn't look as choice, and the entire bottom of the fretboard had rough fret ends. Pass
They will have a new shipment of CVs in soon.

However, they have a 6 yr. old used but clean basic SSS Mexican Strat, off white, with real nice glossy maple fretboard/neck, and all is swell, a good one.

Both @ $350, and obviously it is my first hand decision on which one is it for me.
If I had to choose today between these two examples, I'm leaning towards the Mex.
That said, in checking what is/was available on Ebay, similar Mex's can go for much less than $300, w/case.
And, after seeing the 50th Anni. Shoreline gold beauty that went for $535 recently..., I may have to stifle my impatience.

So, for those who have extensive experience with both and know the good, bad, and the ugly of the hardware and overall sound/playability on each model at their optimum, I ask which is preferable to you.

I've been set on the CV for a year, but am getting cold feet now, at least until the new shipment arrives.