I purged...and I’m not exactly sure how I feel about it.

Over a period of a few months, I sold a Zendrive, Tele and the Rivera Quiana combo.
Zendrive didn’t get much use, the Tele didn’t get much use, and the Quiana is a LOUD & expensive amp just to play in the bedroom.

Yes, the sale helped with temporary cash flow, but I really wasn’t making the most of this equipment.

I was becoming more of a gear collector because I had the means to do so, and it’s fun to try different things.

Now that I no longer have the gear, I feel like a “loser” at times for unloading it.

However, I did keep my Vox AD50VT for fun, my 80’s era TS-9, and my ’78 Les Paul, which I bought in high school.

Anybody else struggling with sellers remorse??