Hello To All,

I joined this form about a week ago and have already received much help from fellow guitarist and forum users.

As I have mentioned in previous post I am a beginner guitar player. I have 3 electric guitars, and one acoustic. I have 2 amps, which one is a VOX AD30VT modeler. I also own a VAMP2.

My problem is I own this “stuff’ but don’t know how to play it or use it. My main downfall is I do not know how to properly play the guitar. I also live in a small town with no one to jam or practice with.

I can strum chords as long as the sheet music is in front of me and they are easy songs. I want to improve on this greatly. I have watched Robert’s videos and I think I understand the concept of playing scales, although I can not get the right progression down.

Has anybody thought of starting a video lessons subject topic section? My question through this thread is there anybody else besides Robert who can record some video lessons? What I am looking for I think is, playing scales on more than just one chord. What I mean is to play a track in the key of “C” with several chords i.e. (C, F, G, Am , Dm, C) and showing how to improvise playing scales over this progression.

This could be broken into those who have different experience. One teach could teach on rock and roll, someone else on country picking, still some else of rhythm playing.

I do not know how this would affect the use and storage of the site. Possibly the section could be accessed to only those how make contributions to help support the site.

I am throwing out an idea. Feedback is needed and welcomed. Is this possible? Any better suggestion?

The final decision will be from the administrator.

It was suggested that I ask the question, so I did. Hopefully some of you more advanced players can help us newbies start enjoying our past time. Who knows, maybe before long we will be posting videos to help others in the future.

Thanks to everybody.
