I woke up about 12:30 and heard a loud vehicle driving around near the house. We are near the end of our street which is a cul-de-sac and it's odd to have any activity that late at night. I got up, went downstairs and noticed the truck pulling up going real slow, turned their lights off and parked across the street in front of the one entrance to my driveway. It sat there for a while and I decided to call the police.

As I waited for the police, the truck moved further down the street, turned around in the cul-da-sac and then into the driveway across from me where it sat for a minute or two. The truck pulled away and I thought they were gone. As I was going to go back to bed, I caught a silhouette of someone outside walking on the edge of the road. I couldn't make out much (it is extremely dark where I live), but could tell they were dressed in dark clothes.

I started to call the police again (they still hadn't arrived) when suddenly the truck went racing down the street heading for the exit of our development. About 5 minutes later a car went by the house real slow, it was the police. I called the station again and asked if they found anyone, the answer was "no". The woman on the other end tried to make a joke of it, but I got pissed and said something like "If you assholes would move a little faster you may have caught the person" and hung up (do you hang up with a cell or is it "I pushed the disconnect button with authority"? If someone was murdered across the street, the police will have a lot of explaining to do.

I am giving serious consideration to buying a gun this week. My description of what took place does not really describe the activity that took place earlier this morning.