So, they're gonna set up automats where the customer simply inserts their own memory card of choice, and gets a movie on it while paying by credit card simultaneously.

Very good. I envisioned this years ago to happen with movie rentals, and I also proposed having MP3 download vending machines which would work exactly like that. I even sent some emails to that effect to some media companies, suggesting they'd do something like that.

I remember sending one email to some Apple exec, proposing they build an iPod which could accept direct transfers from some iPodKiosks where you could just leech new songs for like 50c apiece while visiting a supermarket.

Only back then people would just say it'll never happen...I wish I still remembered who were they and on which forums I argued about this and people thought it ridiculous...would be so nice to go rub it in their faces, LOL.

Hopefully there will be also MP3 download booths everywhere soon enough.