ive been testing out a load of browsers on a 64-bit windows platform. the latest two have been Mozilla's Newest Firefox (3.5) and Opera's latest BETA (10.10)

starting on firefox. Probably one of the best browsers available for free download. fast loading, secure and reliable. On the downside, on windows atleast, it seems that compared to google chrome, its initial load up time is fairly long, but i think the speed once you get browsing makes up for it.

Opera's new beta is pretty obviously a beta. it has a few glitches now and then but overall its fast. The network speed booster gadget thingy is pretty neat too, being as how my home network is pretty slow with 4 computers and an xbox on it. A very good bit of software if you like a completely 'stocked' browser. with all its buttons and options, its pretty insane that its free.

I still prefere firefox, the interface is much less daunting and resembles Safari in some aspects, but without the sluggishness of apple software running on windows.