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Thread: Mini mojo gig/praise band interview request

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    Talking Mini mojo gig/praise band interview request (UPDATED)

    So today I am meeting with the nice lady priest at a chapel/student center that's across the street from the University of Florida (coincidentally about 4 or 5 blocks away from my church) about playing acoustic guitar for their Wednesday night services. She said she preferred to call it a "meeting" rather than an interview. I have no idea whether they have a batch of people they are considering or what. The assistant organist at my church sussed me to the gig.

    The assistant organist had originally described them as looking for an acoustic guitarist, but later had described it as singer-guitarist. I'm not much of a singer (though it hasn't stopped me in my rock bands) and have not sung mic'd in church. I told the priest lady that, and that if they were looking for a person to be like the lead singer person who also plays guitar, they should probably find a more talented singer, and that I was more of a guitarist who could also sing along with others. From photos on the chapel's Facebook page, it looks like they have a praise band with several people mic'd for vocals, so as long as it's something like that, I would go for it. I know enough when to sing off-mic if something is not working vocally, or just lay out entirely.

    Anyhow, my frankness about my abilities or lack thereof hasn't scared them away, so maybe they're desperate enough to give me a shot. I'm actually going to wear some flat-front khaki's and a button-down shirt to go meet this lady, which is a little more dressy than my usual, but hopefully will get across the right message. From the pics on the web, the services are somewhat informal, as mainly being students.

    This would be a fun opportunity to play with a new group of musicians, work on my acoustic chops, and see how another denomination worships. I haven't been on anything approaching a job interview in decades literally, and I'm not really approaching this as one, but any spare mojo anyone wants to send will be appreciated.

    Last edited by Brian Krashpad; November 24th, 2009 at 01:13 PM.

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